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Katipunan Dialogue

The Strategic Studies Program (SSP) of the University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS), with support from Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines Office, proudly presents "Katipunan Dialogue," a podcast series produced as an iteration of the annual Katipunan Conference. Experts join every episode to explore the critical issues and share their insights on a wide range of security topics pertaining to Asia’s strategic environment.

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Katipunan Dialogue UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies
Katipunan Dialogue

The first two episodes of the podcast ("Emerging Economic and Strategic Environment" and "Civil–Military Relationship in Southeast Asia") are now available for streaming. The next two episodes ("Regional Crisis Management: Multilateralism" and "Realignment of Forces in the Indo-Pacific") will be released on July 21 and 28, 2021, respectively.

Listen to Katipunan Dialogue on Anchor (, Spotify (, Google Podcasts (, and other listening platforms.

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Ronna Mae Villanueva

Ronna Mae Villanueva bild

Program Manager +63 2 8539 38-41, -42, -43, -44 ,-45