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Study and Information Program

Scholarship Programme KAS Greece/Cyprus

Become a member of the large KAS Greece/Cyprus family now!

Expert talk

Desinformation and Religion

Conference in Thessaloniki in light of the war in Ukraine

Expert conference

Athens Security Forum

The New Europe Facing the challenges of multiple crises


Political Academy

Fighting propaganda in Europe in times of war


Greece and Europe - A new chapter with PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis

A debate between leaders of the European People's Party.


Ziller, der sächsische Nationalarchitekt Griechenlands: sein Vermächtnis 100 Jahre nach seinem Tod

Veranstaltung zum 100. Todestag des großen Architekten

Expert conference

Ermoupolis Seminar for the Information Society and the Economy of Knowledge 2023

Scholarships for the participation to the Ermoupolis Seminar 2022

Study and Information Program

Scholarship Programme KAS Greece/Cyprus

Become a member of the large KAS Greece/Cyprus family now!


Athens Security Forum

European Security after the War in Ukraine

Expert talk

Vaterschafts- und Elternurlaub

gleichberechtigte Beteiligung von Männern an der Kinderbetreuung

Asset Publisher

The Content of Growth

A conference on the content of growth took place in January 2013 in Athens, involving academics, policy makers and business people from Greece and Germany, who deal with these sectors of the Greek economy that are of significant importance for the development and growth prospects of Greece. The conference was co-organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE).

Wirtschaftsdelegation besucht Athen

"Miteinander statt übereinander sprechen"

Unter dem Motto „Griechenland, der unbekannte Nachbar“ lud die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Mitte Dezember wirtschaftspolitische Multiplikatoren (darunter Journalisten, Ministerialbeamte, Wissenschaftler, Abgeordnete und deren Mitarbeiter) ein, um in einem dreitägigen Workshop in Berlin und Athen die Herausforderungen des gesellschaftlichen Erneuerungsprozesses in Griechenland zu beleuchten.

Official Opening of the representation of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Athens

Samaras and Pöttering at the representation of the Greece office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

Antonis Samaras, Prime Minister of Greece, and Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, former President of the European Parliament and Member of the European Parliament, held on Wednesday evening the official opening of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Athens, marking in this way the restart of the foundation’s activities in Greece.

Dialogue programme for Greek journalists

Besuch im Zeichen des direkten Austauschs

Greek media represantatives visited Hamburg and Berlin

Partnership Corfu – Vorpommern-Rügen

Local politics dialogue between Greece and Germany

The Island of Corfu and the municipality of Vorpommern-Rügen are cooperating within the framework of the Greek-German partnership on local politics.

Δια βίου Μάθηση - Δυνατότητες ανάπτυξης σε δημοτικό επίπεδο

Τρίτη Ελληνογερμανική Συνέλευση

Tο Ίδρυμα Konrad Adenauer διοργάνωσε στα πλαίσια της τρίτης ελληνογερμανικής συνέλευσης που διεξήχθη το διήμερο 15-16 Νοεμβρίου στη Θεσσαλονίκη εκδήλωση με τη μορφή συζήτησης σε στρογγυλή τράπεζα με θέμα «Δια βίου Μάθηση - Δυνατότητες ανάπτυξης σε δημοτικό επίπεδο»

Erster Deutsch-Griechischer Journalisten-Workshop der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Athen

Freundschaft in der Krise

Acht griechische und acht deutsche junge Journalisten recherchieren zusammen auf Einladung der KAS Athen, was Griechenland im Herbst 2012 bewegt - und erzählen gemeinsame Geschichten:

First Greek-German Journalist Workshop

Friendship at times of Crisis

Greek and German journalists create together a website:

Chances of the agricultural market

Promotion of agricultural products from Greece

Greece is looking for various development-paths. Agriculture plays a vital role in this process. On the occasion of a conference organised by the Greece office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Greek-German assembly, as well as the city of Langadas, experts from the agriculture sector met and exchanged opinions.

Thessaloniki International Symposium in World Affairs

Meeting global challenges

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, in cooperation with the Municipality of Thessaloniki and Navarino Network, organized the first Thessaloniki International Symposium in World Affairs