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On the occasion of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Renewable Energy Association from the Republic of Kosovo are organizing a round-table discussion.


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KAS together with its Dutch partner, the Eduardo Frei Foundation,has offered another seminar for women's who would like to be active on politics at local level.


Opportunities and challenges for the implementation of Energy Efficiency Policy in the Local Level of Governments


KAS together with its partners : Kosovar Association for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency ( AKERE) and Kosovo Renewable Energy Association (KREA) as well as SHERK is organizing this workshop on possibilities of increasing energy efficiency.


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Encouraging women for local action

KAS together with its Dutch partner, the Eduardo Frei Foundation,is offering the next seminar for women who would like to be active on a local level.


Europe Day 2013

The European Perspective of Kosovo after the Agreement with Serbia

Discussion for students on the occasion of the celebration of this year`s Europe Day organized in cooperation with JEF Kosovo and the University of Prishtina.


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The training in order to encourage women to be more active in politics will be implemented by KAS and Eduardo Frei Foundation for a selected group of women of different party branches/ local municipalities.


Dialogu Publik për Energjinë Efiqiente

Tryezë e rrumbullakët

Fondacioni Konrad Adenauer zyra në Prishtinë, në bashkëpunim me Institutin e Prishtinës për Studime Politike dhe CRPM-në organizon tryezën e rrumbullakët me zyrtarë të nivelit lokal të regjionit në lidhje me politikat lokale për energji efiqiente.


Public Dialogue on Energy Efficiency

Round table

Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Kosovo, in cooperation with the Pristina Institute for Political Studies and CRPM will organize this roundtable with local officials in Prizren region about local energy effficency policies.


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"5 vite pas pavarësisë - Aktivizëm/apatia qytetare në Kosovë"

Debat Publik

Debat publik me përfaqësues nga shoqëria civile, studiues të shkencave politike dhe studentë në lidhje me aktivizimin qytetar ose apatinë e qytetarëve të Kosovës 5 vite pas pavarësisë.


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"After 5 years of independence - Activism or apathy of Kosovo’s citizens?"

Roundtable discussion

Round table with Civil Society organizations, Political Scientists and students about the activism or apathy of Kosovo's citizens 5 years after independence.

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15 Years KAS Kosovo

On June 15, 2022 the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Kosovo celebrated its 15th anniversary

Challenges of Local Businesses after the post-Covid Period

What are they and what Policies should be undertaken?

From the Tuesday Salon "Challenges of local businesses after the post Covid period: What are they and what policies should be undertaken?" held on December 2nd 2021, written by Besnik Boletini

Pluralism and Democratic Participation

A round table discussion between KAS scholarship holders and friends of the foundation

Political Parties & Political Communication

The last module of the “School for Political Studies” organized by the Prishtina Institute for Political Studies and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Kosovo

Giving Europe a Home

A seminar and interactive simulation game where participants learned about the complexities of the European Union in a fun and exciting way.

The practice of religions in society and the influence on state policies

From the Tuesday Salon " The practice of religions in society and the influence on state policies " held on July 6th 2021, written by Skender Perteshi

The liberal values of the secular state, as well as the potential influences of religion on it, have sparked heated debates and discussions around the world. With the economic and social transformation of the states, these debates have to some extent been resolved, quite clearly dividing the competencies of the secular state as well as religious issues, without influencing each other, but by cooperating with each other.

“We know more about Europe – Europe knows more about us”

A seminar with the current KAS scholars, tackling issues that are related to Kosovo’s path towards the European Union

Barriers of foreign investors in Kosovo - Necessary economic policies to overcome them

From the Tuesday Salon "Barriers of foreign investors in Kosovo - Necessary economic policies to overcome them" held on June 15th 2021, written by Diellza Gashi Tresi

Kosovo continues to face problems in attracting foreign direct investments (FDI). Despite the fact that over the years progress has been made on several factors such as tax and macroeconomic policy reforms, and investments in road infrastructure, Kosovo continues to fail to attract large investors.

Multiculturalism and Building a Stable System: Protection of Individual Civil and Political Rights

From the Tuesday Salon "Multiculturalism and Building a Stable System: Protection of Individual Civil and Political Rights" held on June 1st 2021, written by Ferdi Kamberi

The concept of multiculturalism includes cultures, races, ethnicities or minority groups, which have specific characteristics within a culture or politics. In Kosovo, this concept is included in the highest legal-political act in the Constitution of Kosovo and that ethnic groups / non-majority communities are protected as a separate category. However, in practice the implementation of legislation still remains a challenge which is often mentioned in international reports.

Extracurricular activities as opportunities for ethnic interaction

From the Tuesday Salon "Extracurricular activities as opportunities for ethnic interaction" held on April 27th 2021, written by Lirije Palushi

The question of why there is a need for extracurricular activities for ethnic interaction may seem rhetorical at first glance. Still, this topic is necessary to eliminate barriers between ethnic communities in Kosovo, create more favorable conditions for interethnic cooperation, and create conditions for a more stable society. Over 13 years since the declaration of Kosovo’s independence, the lack of interaction remains one of the significant challenges for the integration and coexistence of ethnic communities in Kosovo, emphasizing the interaction between the Albanian and Serb communities. Although in many municipalities, communities are geographically close to each other, opportunities for interaction remain limited.

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