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Neues Mediengesetz in Albanien befeuert Angst vor Zensur

Gegen großen nationalen und internationalen Protest hat das albanische Parlament mit seiner sozialistischen Mehrheit ein umstrittenes Mediengesetz verabschiedet. Das Gesetzeswerk gibt Anlass zur Sorge vor Zensur und staatlicher Willkür. Es ist ein Rückschritt für Albanien auf dem Weg hin zu europäischen Standards.

Public Service Media in South East Europe: Recommendations for Supervisory Boards and Financing

Upon the invitation of the KAS Media Programme SEE more than 20 media law experts from South East Europe and Germany met and discussed the legal framework of public service media (PSM). During a workshop on 8th October in Tirana, they prepared recommendations for more effective and politically independent composition of the supervisory boards as well as for better funding of PSM in the future. The KAS Media Programme wants thereby and with its upcoming projects to set an impulse for possible reforms of the public service broadcasting systems in South East Europe.


The KAS Media Program South East Europe, based in Sofia, Bulgaria, is offering 2-3 month internship from May till July 2022.


Hendrik Sittig: „Public Service Media shall not become political pawns!“

The Head of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe live on air with BNR journalist Irina Nedeva

The Media Programme South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) has taken a closer look at the current situation and developments of public service media in South East Europe the last couple of months. As result the new book “A pillar of democracy on shaky ground – Public Service Media in South East Europe” has been published.


New Book: A Pillar of Democracy on Shaky Ground – Public Service Media in South East Europe

For the first time, the KAS Media Programme publishes a comprehensive overview on public service media in South East Europe

Strong Majority in South East Europe: Public Service Media Are Important for Democracy

Results of KAS Media Programme’s survey on significance of public service media in ten countries of South East Europe

More than two-thirds of media user say that public service media are important for a democratic society. In the same time, almost 65 percent see the public broadcasters under political influence. These are the results of a current opinion poll in ten countries which are covered by the Media Programme South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Sofia.

Samuel Morazan auf Pixabay

Independence of the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) in danger?

The temporary suspension of a journalist, a five-hour stop and the question of who pulls the strings, where and why

It is the most serious crisis in the Bulgarian media landscape for a long time. For several days, the Bulgarian National Radio rules the headlines. The temporary transfer of a longtime presenter shows the political influence on the work of public service broadcasting in Bulgaria. The protest of colleagues and listeners, however, shows the awareness of being able to defend against it.


Hendrik Sittig: „Independence of public broadcasters must be ensured by the type of funding and the selection of control bodies“

Head of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe in an interview for the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR)

The report „Public Service Media Under Crossfire by Protest Movements“ of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe is gaining further public attention. After the German daily “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” quoted the analysis on the current demonstrations in Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia and Albania in its report on 19 March, the Head of the Media Programme South East Europe, Hendrik Sittig, was as a guest at the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) on March 21.

Birger Hoppe / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Public Service Media Under Crossfire by Protest Movements

Protesters in South East Europe criticise their governments and demand more independence of the public broadcasters

There is seething unrest in South East Europe and immediately it is called ”Balkan Spring.” Many people are protesting in the capitals of Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Croatia out of dissatisfaction with their governments. This frustration is targeted towards the media in these countries as well – especially the public service media which are frequently considered a mouthpiece of the government. The protesters therefore call for resignation of the general directors of the broadcasters.


Bulgaria: Trust in Media Is Still Low

Almost two thirds of Bulgarians are convinced that the media in their country are not reporting independently. Moreover, only every tenth describes journalists as trustworthy. The EU and Germany enjoy the highest institutional confidence. These are the main results of a national representative survey commissioned by the Media Programme South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS).