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High level seminar on public and corporate governance in Africa/EU relations

A key to sustainable growth and development in a globalised economy

The seminar aimed to feed into the preparations of the Africa/EU Summit and its theme is going to be linked to the main topics of the Summit which will be economic growth and job creation within the framework of the Africa-EU strategic partnership.

Study and Information Program

DIALOGUE PROGRAMME for KAS-Partners from China and India

Trialogue China-India-EU: Energy and Security

Trialogue programme and public conference concentrating on foreign and security policy as well as on energy security aspects as components for the strategic interests of China, India and the EU.

Study and Information Program

Dialogue Programme for selected KAS-Partners from Afghanistan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand and Vietnam

‘Strengthening the interaction of civil-society with political society’

Granting the participants insights into European policy shaping processes and to provide the opportunity to engage with European think tanks and CSOs, political party representatives, MEPs on the modus operandi for exchange existent in Europe

Expert conference

Democracy promotion by EU external assistance programmes

experiences from the fields

Expert Roundtable on EU-Democracy Promotion. Regional focus: EU engagement in Sub-Sahara Africa and its lessons from the DR Congo, Cambodia and Vietnam, post-communist countries and the Mediterranean and the Middle East

Expert conference

The EU’s foreign policy towards Cuba: between pragmatism and value-orientation

Conference hosted by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, “Multinational Dialogue on Development Policy”

Working languages: Spanish, English, German

Expert talk

“After Lula: Challenges for Brazil”


Dialogue Programme and Public Event on the challenges for Brazil 'after Lula'

Study and Information Program

DIALOGUE PROGRAMME for members of the Central-American think tank network "la RED"

Red Centroamericana de Centros de Pensamiento e Incidencia (la RED)

Dialogue Programme and Public Event on: Challenges for Central America: Finding the balance between political stability, democratic values and human development

Expert conference

"The curse of ressources and challenges for state capacity building in the conflict prone Great Lakes Region"

What role international and national actors could and should play

The conference seeks to assess against the conflict structures to what extent international, national as well as bilateral initiatives contribute towards the establishment of peace and stability


Ensuring the effective functioning of the International Criminal Court

Strategic reflection and coordination workshop for projects in support to global civil society campaigns

Strategy and reflection workshop on the topic 'Ensuring the effective functioning of the International Criminal Court'

Expert talk

Disaster Risk Reduction in the age of Climate Change:

Online Documentation of the KAS India office about the founding of the International Solar Alliance (ISA)

The ISA was initiated following the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP 21) on the 30th November 2015 and was introduced by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the then French President Francois Hollande. The idea was to create a coalition of sun-rich countries to fill identified gaps in energy supply through a common approach focused on solar power. The founding conference of the intergovernmental organization took place on the 11th of March 2018 in New Delhi.

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Climate Club Formation: EU - India Steel Case Study

Lessons learned from the steel decarbonization workshop.

As an initial pilot to support the formation of the Climate Club, the GCA Collaborative, an independent global research initiative, conducted two workshops on decarbonizing the steel sector. These workshops engaged policymakers, associations, businesses, and sector analysts. Key outcomes: The SWGs must collaborate with a host of stakeholders, including businesses, governments, regulators, and civil society organizations, among others. Countries can focus on their sectors of choice -those where they can maximize emissions reductions, given their capabilities and commitments. Through these sectoral working groups, countries motivated to achieve climate neutrality in core sectors - such as steel, aluminum, cement, fertilizers, and automotive - can closely cooperate, including aligning decarbonization pathways. This paper summarizes the lessons learned from the steel decarbonization workshop, highlighting potential areas of cooperation between the steel sectors in India and the EU.

Charlotte Wolter KAS MDPD

The New Great Game: Afghanistan’s Taliban Takeover and its Implications for Europe and the Region

Event Report - Brussels, 21 June 2023 - Authors: Charlotte Wolter, Janne Leino

Download the event report below.

Clara Burkhardt KAS MDPD

Climate Club / Global Climate Alliance formation - Panel Discussion with Youth Climate Leaders

Event Report - 17 June 2023 - Authors: Clara Burkhardt, Karin Jancyková

Download the full report on the GCA white paper launch and the youth climate discussion here.

Climate Club/Global Climate Alliance (GCA) formation - Panel Discussion with Youth Climate Leaders

Event Report - 17 June 2023 - Authors: Clara Burkhardt, Karin Jancyková

Download the full event report about the GCA white paper launch and panel discussion with youth climate leaders.

Charlotte Wolter KAS MDPD

The Indo-Pacific: A new global centre of gravity?

Event Report - 10 June 2023, EU Parliament, Strasbourg - Authors: Clara Burkhardt, Jonas Nitschke.

Download the event report below.


European Stabilization Efforts in the Sahel: a Lost Cause?

Event report - Brussels, 06 December 2022 - Authors: Janne Leino, Helena Landwehr.

Download the full event report and the digital publication "European aphasia in the Sahel: stabilising how?" by Delina Goxho and Selina Daugalies.


"China’s and Russia’s Security Engagement in Central Asia - Suggestions for a European Response"

Event Report - Authors: Constantin Knuhr, Janne Leino (KAS MDPD Brussels)

Download the event report!

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Policy Workshop – Young Voices: European Engagement and the EU's image

Authors: Constantin Knuhr, Theresa Rohrhirsch (KAS MDPD Brussels)

Download the event report!

Adobe Stock / Curioso Photography

Perspektiven für Südostasien

Chinas Sicherheits- und Verteidigungskooperation in Südostasien und mögliche deutsche und europäische Antworten

Am 18. Januar 2022 veranstalteten das KAS-Referat Asien und Pazifik (Berlin) und der Multinationale Entwicklungsdialog der KAS in Brüssel gemeinsam eine geschlossene Online-Veranstaltung zur Diskussion über die sicherheits- und verteidigungspolitische Zusammenarbeit Chinas in Südostasien (SEA) sowie über die neue Politik der Bundesregierung gegenüber der Region. Die Veranstaltung wurde von rund 45 Teilnehmern besucht, die europäische Institutionen, deutsche Ministerien, Botschaften aus der ASEAN-Region und politische Think Tanks vertraten. Sie war die erste einer neuen Dialogreihe mit dem Titel "Südostasien-Perspektiven", die den Dialog zwischen Südostasien und Europa stärken und diese geopolitisch hoch relevante Region auf der politischen Agenda in Deutschland und Europa voranbringen soll.

Towards a European Sustianable Battery Industry

How to create jobs for a low carbon society

To become competitive in the global battery market Europe will require to bring together all different players in the field to share expertise and knowledge to forge and promote the European Battery Alliance. At present, only 3% of all batteries produced in the world are produced in Europe. China and the USA are market leaders, with Japan also having a technological lead. The event-report summarizes the discussions of our workshop with Bellona Foundation and the European Policy Centre on the future of this European initiative to catch up with global battery industries.