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Event Reports


„It’s on us to rationalize the discourse!“

On December 12th, 2017 the KAS offices Washington and New York hosted a discussion at KAS New York about the democratic discourse in times of fake news and disinformation.

China’s Role in the World after the 19th Party Congress

Mr. Tim Wenniges, Head of the KAS Office in Shanghai visits the KAS New York office

„Politik wie vor 20 Jahren bringt keine Wahlergebnisse wie vor 20 Jahren“

Die Bundestagswahlen liegen bereits über eine Woche zurück, die Koalitionsverhandlungen haben jedoch noch nicht Fahrt aufgenommen – zumindest noch nicht offiziell. Vor diesem Hintergrund analysierten Nico Lange, Büroleiter der KAS Washington, und Jeffrey Rathke, Senior Fellow und stv. Leiter des Europa-Programms am Washingtoner Think Tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), das Ergebnis der Wahl und wagten eine Vorausschau auf die Koalitionsverhandlungen.

Freedom of Religion or Belief and Women’s Rights – reinforcing each other?

On September 22nd, 2017 KAS New York hosted an inspiring gathering of female parliamentarians from all over the world.

Making Africa Work


A first-hand account of how to ensure growth beyond commodities and create jobs on the continent. A blueprint for a prosperous Africa!

„Where next for the European Union and transatlantic relations?"

European politics in an era of uncertainty.

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) on the importance of diplomatic outreach at the UN

Der „diplomatische Marathon“ des AJC

Leaders of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and members of the AJC’s Young Leadership Program (ACCESS) meet with KAS scholarship students to discuss advocacy efforts in the UN system.

„Hoffentlich sind wir nicht schon zu spät dran“

Extremismus-Prävention an der Schnittstelle von EZA und Sicherheitspolitik

Alexander Avanessov hat über 30 Jahre Erfahrung im Bereich Entwicklung und wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit. Kurz vor dem Sommer hat er die Koordination der globalen PVE -Programme des UN-Entwicklungsprogramms UNDP übernommen. Bei einer Veranstaltung am 28. Juli im New Yorker KAS-Büro, die gemeinsam mit dem Global Center on Cooperative Security organisiert wurde, äußerte Avanessov seine Sorge darüber, dass mit der systematischen Integration von PVE in die breitere Entwicklungszusammenarbeit reichlich spät begonnen wurde.

“Just imagine: In 20 years when Europe will be looking for workers, every African will have gone to China …”

The United Nation’s quest for a global migration governance

This scenario was drawn – with a twinkle in the eye but probably also with a grain of truth – in the context of a dialogue program for migration experts hosted by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in New York. This dialogue program took place from May 21st to 24th and marked the beginning of a research project on “Regional Cooperation in Migration Management and Refugee Protection”. Throughout the next twelve months ten experts from all parts of the world will study the status-quo and potentials of regional cooperation in the area of migration-management and refugee protection.

Institutions as the “rules of the game” in international relations

Germany, the United Nations, and Multilateral Organizations

In cooperation with the American Council on Germany (ACG), the KAS New York Office hosted a discussion round with Matthias Meis, Head of Division for Strategic Planning and Management at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on May 4th 2017. Mr. Meis, who traveled to Washington D.C. and New York as part of a KAS-delegation of German influencers from various professional backgrounds within the public and private sector shared his observations and insights on current challenges in development policy.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.