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Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus Meeting
Promoting Gender Equality and Climate Change Mitigation in Asian Parliaments

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Study and Information Program

Job Announcement: Project Manager for Digitalisation (m/f/d)

For three months we are looking for a Project Manager on a part-time basis (20hrs/week)

For our activities & projects between April and June we are looking for additional support in the area of digitalisation (e governance, Smart Cities) to facilitate the planning, budgeting, implementation and evaluation of several events. The Project Manager will be employed on an honorary basis of 20 hrs per week for the duration of three months.

Study and Information Program

Job Announcement: Project Coordinator (m/f/d)

For three months we are looking for a Project Coordinator on a part-time basis (20hrs/week)

For our activities & projects between April and June we are looking for additional support in the area of security policy/multilateralism to facilitate the planning, budgeting, implementation and evaluation of several events. The Project Coordinator will be employed on an honorary basis of 20 hrs per week for the duration of three months.


fully booked

Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) Batch 15

1st Training-Workshop on Political Parties’ Functions and Organizations in Democratic Societies

The first module’s objective is to provide participants with background knowledge on diverse political and party systems in Asia, skills in communication and party platform development, and training on democratic leadership (first session on ownership).


fully booked

Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus E-Meets

New Media & Tech-Facilitated Gendered Disinformation

In the context of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s international conference activities and in lieu of promoting female political leadership training and empowerment in Asia, we have been organising regional conferences, workshops and other activities for Asian Women Parliamentarians since 2011. These meetings and other activities are aimed at promoting, strengthening and developing female political leadership in the region.


Sustainable Water Management

Improving Water Policy and Governance in Emerging Asia

Between the 7th and 8th of December, the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation is organising an international conference on “Sustainable Water Management: Improving Water Policy and Governance in Emerging Asia” in Singapore. We will receive policymakers, government officials from Singapore and Germany, industry leaders, academics, researchers, energy experts, environmentalists and representatives from international organisations to discuss the water-energy-nexus and transboundary water governance (amongst others).

Expert conference

CTeC Asia 2023 in Taipei

CTeC Asia aims to expand the discourse on the impact of technologies towards communication and citizen’s participation.

CTeC Asia aims to bring together scholars, media professionals, civil society practitioners as well as policymakers to expand the discourse on the impact of technologies towards communication and citizen’s participation. This year's conference will focus on two main themes: (i) e-governance & participation (ii) AI & Innovation in media

Book presentation

‘Fake News, Dis-Information in International Relations"



Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus Meeting 2023

“Inclusivity & Diversity in Gender Equality in Parliaments in Asia”

Expert conference

38th ASEAN Roundtable: ASEAN in a Fragmented Global Order

Supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the ASEAN Studies Centre at the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute is hosting the 38th ASEAN Roundtable on 3 October 2023 in Singapore.


Germany's role in the world

Evening event around German Unity Day. Film screening and discussion on the topic "17 June 1953. 70 Years of the People's Uprising in the GDR" on 02 October from 18:00 onwards.

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Die ASEAN Economic Community

Zu schnell, zu ambitioniert, nicht durchsetzbar?

Ein treffendes Bild für die derzeitige wirtschaftliche Lage im ASEAN-Raum ist ganz sicherlich das einer Nudelschüssel. Ein Wirrwarr verschiedenster Institutionen, Vereinbarungen, Kompetenzen und Netzwerke, die nicht selten in sich widersprüchlich sind, eine Konstellation mithin, in der man sich, wenn überhaupt, so nur unter größten Schwierigkeiten zurechtfinden kann. Ordnung in dieser Unordnung zu schaffen ist eines der Ziele der ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

Außen- und Sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen in Asien-Pazifik

Konferenzzusammenfassung des 22. Asia-Pacific Roundtable

Vom zweiten bis zum fünften Juni 2008 fand im Nikko-Hotel in Kuala Lumpur das mittlerweile 22. Asia Pacific Roundtable statt. Dieses Forum wird seit 1986 jährlich vom Institute for Security and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia ausgerichtet. In der Form eines Track-Two-Forums bringt es hochrangige Wissenschaftler aus allen Ländern des asiatisch-pazifischen Raumes zusammen, um über die drängenden sicherheitspolitischen Fragen für die Region zu beraten.

Dialogveranstaltung zum moderaten Islam mit Herrn Ruprecht Polenz MdB

Im Rahmen seines Singapur-Besuches traf der Vorsitzende des Auswärtigen Ausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages, Herr Ruprecht Polenz MdB am 12. Januar auf einer Gesprächsrunde der KAS mit Vertretern des Centre for Contemporary Islamic Studies zusammen.

Bundestagspräsident Dr. Norbert Lammert in Singapur

Am 7. und 8. Januar stattete der Bundestagspräsident und stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Singapur, Herr Dr. Norbert Lammert, Singapur einen Besuch ab.

Ausstellung Weltreligionen – Weltfrieden – Weltethos

Vom 17. bis 30. Januar organisierte die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Singapur in Kooperation mit der Stiftung Weltethos und dem Malaysian Interfaith Network die Ausstellung »Weltreligionen – Weltfrieden – Weltethos«. Die in der Nationalbibliothek Singapur veranstaltete Wanderausstellung lud dazu ein, die faszinierende Welt der Religionen besser kennen zu lernen.