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Publications on the topic of “Freedom needs Security”

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La sécurité énergétique de la Tunisie à l’horizon 2030


Au cours de la dernière décennie, l’indépendance énergétique de la Tunisie s’est sensiblement dégradée avec d’importantes répercussions négatives sur les comptes de la Nation. Dans un contexte énergétique mondial en mutation, un contexte sécuritaire régional incertain et de profonds changements du contexte national, la sécurité énergétique risque d’être encore plus fragilisée et menacée.

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Planetary Health Heatmap - Latin America 2021

Public health and climate change in Latin America

Research as part of the Public Health and Climate Change 2021 project, carried out together with the international consultant Pablo Necoechea and the ESG Academy of Mexico.

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Latin American Consultation on Public Health Management and Climate Change 2021

Public Health and Climate Change in Latin America

Analysis of a series of surveys applied as part of the Public Health and Climate Change Project in Latin America, carried out by the international consultant Pablo Necoechea and ESG Academy of Mexico.

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Putins Bluff und das deutsche Kartenhaus

Russlands Angriff als Nullpunkt deutscher Sicherheitspolitik

Reden hat nichts genutzt, Russland hat die Ukraine angegriffen. Dazu hat auch Deutschlands Schwäche beigetragen. Nun brauche es eine radikale Kehrtwende, meinen die Sicherheitsexperten der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Nils Wörmer und Philipp Dienstbier.

The Geopolitics of Climate and Security in the Indo-Pacific

edited by Robert Glasser (ASPI)

KAS Australia is pleased to present “The Geopolitics of Climate and Security in the Indo-Pacific” produced by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute with KAS Australia’s support.

Bundeswehr / Sebastian Wilke

Frankreich plant den Abzug aus Mali – Das Aus für den Bundeswehr-Einsatz?

Frankreich plant das Ende seiner Anti-Terror-Mission in Mali und drängt die europäischen Verbündeten ebenfalls zum Abzug – eine Entscheidung könnte bereits diese Woche fallen. Das hat weitreichende Folgen für den Einsatz der Bundeswehr in dem westafrikanischen Land und dürfte die angespannte Sicherheitslage im Sahelraum weiter destabilisieren.

Kateryna Protsenko

Медійні матеріали про актуальну кризу

Керівники Представництв Фонду Конрада Аденауера в Україні (м. Київ і м. Харків) Тім Б. Петерс і д-р Бригітта Трібель дали німецьким ЗМІ низку інтерв’ю, а також опублікували матеріали, присвячені аналізу актуальної ситуації в Україні.

PERISCOPE -Occasional Analysis Brief Vol. 11 2022: Research, Education and CT

Different ends and common purposes

'Periscope' is the Occasional Analysis Paper/Brief series of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation's Regional Programme Australia and the Pacific. Just like the real-world sighting instrument, Periscope is meant as a lens to broaden our insights - taking in views from different angles. This way, it seeks to bring together perspectives from Germany, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region to augment our understanding of contemporary issues and help address the pressing problems of our time. The Periscope Series covers topics from the area of foreign and security policy, cybersecurity, terrorism/counter-terrorism, energy policy, rule of law, socio-economic matters and development policy. It comprises both longer Analysis Papers– in the form of single-author (and co-authored) contributions or edited volumes with multiple authors - and shorter Analysis Briefs.

Le Renseignement en Afrique de l'Ouest

État des lieux et perspectives

Cet ouvrage rassemble des contributions d'experts et de chercheurs réputés sur la problématique du Renseignement en Afrique de l'Ouest en proposant un état des lieux de l'organisation institutionnelle des services ainsi que les réformes à envisager pour améliorer leur efficacité.

The Role of Youth in Peace Making and Conflict Resolution for Sustainable Development.

CETA Journal Volume 19

Peace is the universally accepted virtue among human beings irrespective of gender, age, religion, race, geographical location and socio-economic status. People everywhere appreciate peace as an essential component for a better living here on Earth. That’s why the promotion of peace is among the goals endorsed by global community for attainment of inclusive and sustainable development by 2030 (UN SDG 16). Both CETA and KAS have been undertaking joint activities for promoting civic education among youth, teachers and students from Secondary Schools and Colleges/Universities, Civil society organizations and entrepreneurship forums. Among the topics of interest discussed include the role of youth in peace making and conflict resolution towards sustainable development.