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Publications on the topic of “Freedom needs Security”

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Gekommen, um zu bleiben – Deutschlands Engagement im Indo-Pazifik III

Mehr Freihandel wagen: Für die Stärkung des barrierefreien Handels mit den Ländern im Indo-Pazifik

Der Arbeitskreis Junge Außenpolitik der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hat in einer Reihe von Hintergrundgesprächen mit Experten und Expertinnen Deutschlands Engagement im Indo-Pazifik diskutiert: Die Autoren machen konkrete Vorschläge, wie Deutschland sich in der strategisch wichtigen Region in den Feldern Rohstoff-, Sicherheits- und Handelspolitik stärker einsetzen kann. In diesem dritten Papier wird u.a. auf einen pragmatischeren Ansatz bei der Aushandlung von EU-Freihandelsabkommen verwiesen.

PERISCOPE -Special Analysis Brief 2021: A New Wave?

Existing, Emerging and Converging Forms of Extremism

'Periscope' is the Occasional Analysis Paper/Brief series of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation's Regional Programme Australia and the Pacific. Just like the real-world sighting instrument, Periscope is meant as a lens to broaden our insights - taking in views from different angles. This way, it seeks to bring together perspectives from Germany, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region to augment our understanding of contemporary issues and help address the pressing problems of our time. The Periscope Series covers topics from the area of foreign and security policy, cybersecurity, terrorism/counter-terrorism, energy policy, rule of law, socio-economic matters and development policy. It comprises both longer Analysis Papers– in the form of single-author (and co-authored) contributions or edited volumes with multiple authors - and shorter Analysis Briefs.

Bundeswehr / Sascha Sent

Gekommen, um zu bleiben – Deutschlands Engagement im Indo-Pazifik II

Dauerhaft, nachhaltig und substanziell gestalten: Sicherheits- und technologiepolitische Initiativen starten

Der Arbeitskreis Junge Außenpolitik der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hat in einer Reihe von Hintergrundgesprächen mit Experten und Expertinnen über Verbindungen zu den Ländern im Indo-Pazifik diskutiert: Die Autoren machen konkrete Vorschläge, wie Deutschland sein Engagement in der Region in den Feldern (I) Rohstoff-, (II) Sicherheits- und (III) Handelspolitik ausbauen kann. In diesem zweiten Papier wird der Aufbau wirksamer sicherheits- und technologiepolitischer Initiativen gefordert.

A Lie Can Travel: Election Disinformation in the United States, Brazil, and France

In this new report, William T. Adler, Senior Technologist, Elections & Democracy and Dhanaraj Thakur, Research Director, both at the Center for Democracy & Technology in Washington, DC, discuss international patterns of disinformation in elections and propose mitigation strategies available to governments, social media companies and civil society.

Opportunities to deepen NATO-EU cooperation

This report, originally published by The Brookings Institution and supported by the KAS Office USA in Washington D.C., analyses status, problems of and possible concepts for the NATO-EU-Cooperation. The author states: "In the face of myriad global challenges and what is needed to address them, NATO and the EU have been struggling for relevance and resources."

Foreign Policy Agenda for U.S.-European Relations

U.S. and European Views on Future Challenges and Priorities

Karin L. Johnston is a lecturer at the School of International Service at American University and the University of Maryland. In this paper she compares official sources and expert analyses to present a current assessment of U.S. and European views on what a transformed transatlantic foreign policy agenda would look like.

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Perspectives of Carbon Pricing in Latin America by 2030

Report on the Project “Carbon pricing and electricity sector in Latin America”

Publication that summarizes three workshops that we held this 2021 together with ICAP, IEA and IPC where we discussed and learned about this tool to managed climate change

PERISCOPE -Occasional Analysis Brief Vol. 10 2021: Australia's Right-Wing Landscape

Local Threats in Transnational Context

'Periscope' is the Occasional Analysis Paper/Brief series of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation's Regional Programme Australia and the Pacific. Just like the real-world sighting instrument, Periscope is meant as a lens to broaden our insights - taking in views from different angles. This way, it seeks to bring together perspectives from Germany, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region to augment our understanding of contemporary issues and help address the pressing problems of our time. The Periscope Series covers topics from the area of foreign and security policy, cybersecurity, terrorism/counter-terrorism, energy policy, rule of law, socio-economic matters and development policy. It comprises both longer Analysis Papers– in the form of single-author (and co-authored) contributions or edited volumes with multiple authors - and shorter Analysis Briefs.

World Meteorological Organization / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 /

COP26: A Small Step Forward on Climate Protection

The outcomes of COP26: a spirit of optimism on the global carbon markets and unresolved questions around climate finance. 

COP26 took place from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland. Expectations were high, because in the run-up to the conference there were signs of a growing social awareness of climate change. The background for this is formed by visible climate catastrophes and the constantly improving findings of climate science. Our Sustainability Monitor analyses the results of COP26.

UNCLOS and the Protection of Innocent and Transit Passage in Maritime Chokepoints

New publication by the Maritime Policy & Strategy Research Center and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Israel

Maritime straits – narrow waterways connecting two seas or other large bodies of water – play a vital role in maritime transit and in reducing the time of shipping. So called “chokepoints” particularly sensitive straits along some of the most important navigations routes pose unique challenges as they can become focal points for geographic, commercial, and political interests. Despite the guidelines set out by the 1982 United Nation’s Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), States can weaponize maritime chokepoints to advance political and strategic goals. Additionally, non-state actors are continuing to disrupt and threaten access and passage through straits and waterways. To strenghten UNCLOS' ability to govern global maritime transit, the extent of its challenges as well as tools to address them need to be analyzed. The Maritime Policy & Strategy Research center and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Israel are contributing to this analysis with a collection of insights from leading academic and legal scholars regarding the challenges to UNCLOS in the context of passage through chokepoints connecting the Arab Gulf with the Mediterranean Sea.