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New Horizons - Exploring Young Perspectives in Central and Eastern Europe

Central European Summer School on Values

European identity, European values and European security? At our Youth Academy 2022, we will discuss with you what unites us Europeans and why this is so.

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New Horizons - The Central European Summer School on Values 2022

What actually connects us Europeans with each other? Which values and perspectives do we share and which do we not? Is there a European identity and, if so, what characterizes it? The European Union, for example, in whose countries a large proportion of Europe's citizens live, sees itself as a community of values and has defined human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and human rights as its shared values. What is the situation in the other countries of Europe?

Precisely those fundamental values are different in all political systems around the world. Even 30 years ago, people in the Soviet Union knew different value foundations than people in Western Europe. But external influences can also change and adapt these attitudes. After the collapse of the USSR and the failure of the socialist value systems, the desire for freedom, democracy and a market economy in line with the Western model also became stronger in these countries. These processes of change were characterized by both exuberant enthusiasm and nostalgic uncertainty.

Europe is currently confronted again with a comparable uncertainty due to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the drastic changes in security policy that go hand in hand with it. Is this changing our view of the world? Do we have to defend our value system? How do you see it? Visit us at our Central European Summer School from 01 - 05 September in Dresden and discuss with other young Europeans about Europe's future and its values, identity and security! Together with the Chamber of Crafts Dresden we invite you to exciting lectures of top-class speakers, interesting workshops and instructive excursions.


The seminar is aimed at people aged <30 years. The program will be held in English. You can find the detailed program in the infoboxes below and on our flyer.


For participants from outside Dresden, overnight accommodation will be provided in the guest house of the Dresden Chamber of Crafts. A participation fee of 150,- Euro will be charged for accommodation, meals and transport during the event. Pupils, trainees and students pay a reduced participation fee of 75,- Euro.



Thursday, September 1st

up to 18:30 - Individual arrival and check-in to the guest house of the Chamber of Crafts Dresden

19:00 - Welcoming and Introduction

Dr. Andreas Brzezinski, Managing Director of the Chamber of Crafts Dresden

Dr. Joachim Klose, Head of the Regional Office Saxony of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation

starting 20:30 Uhr - Reception

Friday, September 2nd

starting 08:00 - Breakfast

08:55 - Welcome and introduction to the first day of the event

Christian Mumme, Speaker on Political Education in the Regionaly Office Saxony of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation

09:00 Uhr - "One union, one voice? - What constitutes a 'European Identity'?"

Prof. Dr. Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski, Political Scientist, Institute for Political Theory and Democracy Studies, Leipzig University

with subsequent discussion panel

11:00 - Coffee Break

11:15 - Work in 4 different workshops with leading questions on european identity

12:30 - Lunch Break

13:30 - Reflection on the results of the workshops together with Prof. Dr. Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski

15:30 - Visit of the Saxon State Parliament with a guided tour

16:30 - "Saxony in Europe - How the relations to our eastern european neighbors help shaping local politics"

Panel discussion with representatives of the Saxon State Parliament

Dr. Matthias Rößler, President of the Saxon State Parliament

17:30 - End of the first day of events

Saturday, September 3rd

starting 08:00 - Breakfast

08:55 - Welcome and introduction to the second day of the event

Christian Mumme, Speaker on Political Education in the Regionaly Office Saxony of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation

09:00 Uhr - "Europe - A system of liberty?"

Prof. Dr. Jan Zielonka, Professor of European Politics, DPIR University of Oxford

with subsequent discussion panel

11:00 - Coffee Break

11:15 - Work in 4 different workshops with leading questions on universal values and their relationship to the european identity

12:30 - Lunch Break

13:30 - Reflection on the results of the workshops together with Prof. Dr. Jan Zielonka

15:30 - Visit of the museum "Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden" with a guided tour through the exhipition "FAKE - The whole truth"

17:30 - End of the second day of events

Sunday, September 4th

starting 08:00 - Breakfast

09:00 Uhr - Visit to the Bundeswehr Army Officers' School in Dresden with guided tour of the grounds

10:00 - "Security Challenges for European Identity in the 21st Century"

Egon Ramms, former General of the german "Bundeswehr"

with subsequent discussion panel

12:00 - Lunch Break

13:00 - Work in 4 different workshops with leading questions on security threats for the european identity

12:30 - Lunch Break

14:15 - Reflection on the results of the workshops together with General Egon Ramms

16:00 - Visit of the art installation "Panometer Dresden" with a guided tour on german culture of remembrance

17:30 - End of the third day of events

Monday, September 5th

starting 08:00 - Breakfast

10:00 - Joint evaluation of the results of the seminar and reflection on the learning processes

Jörg Dittrich, President of the Chamber of Crafts Dresden

Dr. Joachim Klose, Head of the Regional Office Saxony of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation

​​​​​11:30 - Lunch

12:30 - End of the seminar and individual departure

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Handwerkskammer Dresden
Am Lagerplatz 8,
01099 Dresden
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  • Prof. Dr. Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski
    • Political Scientist
    • Institute for Political Theory and Democracy Studies
    • Leipzig University
  • Prof. Dr. Jan Zielonka
    • Professor of European Politics
    • DPIR University of Oxford
  • Egon Ramms
    • former General of the german "Bundeswehr"
  • Dr. Matthias Rößler
    • President of the Saxon State Parliament

Christian Mumme

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Handwerkskammer Dresden