자산 발행인


African Elite Perspectives: AU & NEPAD

A comparative study of seven African countries - Buchpräsentation


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African Elite Perspectives: AU and NEPAD A comparative study across seven African countries. - Book Launch. The Centre for International and Comparative Politics, University of Stellenbosch, in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-

Stiftung, conducted a survey focusing on elite perceptions regarding the AU and NEPAD. South Africa, Nigeria, Senegal and Algeria were included in the survey as countries whose presidents are the main drivers of NEPAD and which have

had a fair amount of exposure to the plan thus far. In addition, Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe were selected as ‘outside countries’, to allow for more accurate

and detailed comparisons.

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달력에 추가


KAS/DDP Liaison Office, Cape Town


Dr. Thomas S. Knirsch

Dr. Thomas S

Stv. Leiter Politische Bildung und Leiter Bildungsmanagement

thomas.knirsch@kas.de +49 - (0) 30 - 26996 3496

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