자산 발행인

행사 간행물

Career Paths

Martha Kontodaimon

An Online Event

Experts and Professionals from Different field discuss about their Career Paths.

자산 발행인

KAS Greece and Cyprus supported the Online Event "Career Paths". Through the two days sessions, different experts and professionals discussed and presented their Career Paths. The event was adressed to students currently entering the University, as well as students in their Bachelor and Master degrees. Goal of this venture was to present and support an extrovert educational thinking within the European context. Through their presentations professors of each field presented the possibilities offered in it, whilst the professionals following showed in their own way, how could one flourish in it or how could one use their initial studies as a stepping stone to their future career.  

In the following links you may find the Panels in Greek. 

Career Paths of Chemical Engineers

Career Paths of Statisticians and Mathematicians 

Following the Start Up Path

Career Paths of Electrical Engineers

Career Paths of Marketing Professionals

Career Paths of Mechanical Engineers 

Career Paths of Agricultural Professionals

Career Paths of IT Professionals 

Career Paths of Humanities Professionals

Skilling - Reskilling - Upskilling in Digital Competences 

Career Paths of Physicists 

Career Paths of Pharmaceutical Professionals 

Career Paths of Political and Social Scientists 

Career Paths of Law Professionals

Career Paths of Chemists

Career Paths of Business Administration Professionals

Career Paths of Finance Professionals

Career Paths in the Field of Nautilecy

Return Paths to Greece

자산 발행인


Martha Kontodaimon

Martha Kontodaimon bild

Projektmanagerin - Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Martha.Kontodaimon@kas.de +30 210 7247 126


자산 발행인

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