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How to rejuvenate Public Service Broadcasting in Africa KAS Media Africa Conference in Addis Ababa

Experts from across Africa meet to discuss challenges and opportunities in public Service Broadcasting

Public Service Broadcasters (PSBs) have resources, they are heard nationwide and they have well trained journalists, says Joseph Warungu, formerly of the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, later of the BBC, where for years he was the head of the famous Focus on Africa magazine.

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In Addis Ababa, Warungu, together with a dozen senior radio managers from as far afield as South Africa and the Central African Republic, discussed the history of PSBs and the need for civil society and parliaments to make them truly public again.


Many of them have deteriorated into mouthpieces for their respective governments and ruling parties, but there are still committed professionals at these PSBs, who need to be encouraged to do the journalism that in many countries the Constitution tells them to do: that is to serve the society and its right to accurate information.

The challenges of public service broadcasting in a society at trouble with itself were explained by Yonatan T. Regassa, Deputy Director General of the Ethiopian Media Authority.

As an addition to this conference, Professor Franz Krüger from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa launched his newest research, “Greening Africa’s News Deserts”, a publication about how to make local radio stations more sustainable on the continent.

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