자산 발행인

행사 간행물

KAS-ANUCES Roadshow Rule of Law

Lessons for the Hunter from the EU Green Deal

The inaugural KAS-ANUCES Roadshow Rule of Law was concerned with the EU Green Deal with a focus on the Just Transition Mechanism. The EU Green Deal was passed by the European Parliament in 2020 and aims to establish Europe as the first climate neutral continent by 2050. Underpinning the Green Deal is the European Climate Law – the binding legislative framework for the delivery of the EU’s commitments.

자산 발행인

The Roadshow has brought a Delegation, including Scott Wyatt – Adviser for Energy and the Environment from the EU Delegation, from Canberra to Newcastle and the Hunter Region, that is, one of Australia’s oldest and most productive mining regions affected by the ongoing energy transition. Thanks to our local cooperation partner, the Institute for Regional Futures of the University of Newcastle, the Delegation had the opportunity to meet various local and regional stakeholders, decision makers and experts. Day 1 of the Roadshow included a briefing by Warrick Jordan, Coordinator, Hunter Jobs Alliance, on the history and status quo of the energy transition in this region. The briefing was followed by a vivid debate with Roy Green, the Chair of the Port of Newcastle, in regards to this deep water port’s potential conversion into a more diverse facility, and other matters. In another meeting, the Delegation could hear from various local mayors and councillors, respectively, on current challenges in their local government areas. In a hybrid seminar held at the University of Newcastle, Scott Wyatt gave a presentation on “The EU Green Deal and Just Transition – No One Left behind”. Anne Ploeger, Adviser for industries and the environment to Hildegard Bentele, Member of the European Parliament, spoke about “Behind the Scene – Ongoing EU Negotiations on Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Aviation and Renewable Energy”. Their presentations were complemented by Warrick Jordan, who addressed “Lessons for the Original Lucky Country? Practical Translation of the EU Experience”. For a recording of the seminar, please refer to the below link. The first day concluded with a meeting with Alice Thompson, the CEO of the Committee for the Hunter, and others, who provided the Delegation with a first-hand account of their organisations’ initiatives and, in turn, quizzed the Delegation in regards to the EU’s approach towards a just energy transition. Day 2 of the Roadshow included a meeting with representatives from the Department of Regional NSW, who provided the Delegation with an account of the issues from the authority’s viewpoint. In sum, the inaugural Roadshow showed the regional stakeholders’ great interest in the EU’s approach towards a just energy transition or – as it is more commonly referred to in the region - economic diversification.


This is only the first event of what is meant to be an ongoing cooperation and series of events to be organised in partnership with the ANU’s Centre for European Studies.


자산 발행인


자산 발행인

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