자산 발행인

행사 간행물

Visit of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences to the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Yaounde

On the 26th May 2017 representatives of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences visited the new Konrad-Adenauer Office in Yaoundé in order to discuss future collaboration opportunities.

자산 발행인

On the 26th May 2017 representatives of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences visited the new Konrad-Adenauer Office in Yaoundé in order to discuss future collaboration opportunities. The delegation consisting of Doctor David Mbah, the executive secretary of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences together with Professor Samuel Ayongue who is Professor of Environmental Geology and Geophysics and Dean of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Buéa came to have a discussion with Professor Oliver Ruppel of the Konrad Adenauer Office. The Cameroon Academy of Sciences has a particular interest in interdisciplinary research and in influencing policy makers. The Academy is a renowned national institution that is internationally well connected to other academies. As it also has a working group dealing with the impacts of climate change KAS is keen to foster joint activities in the future, such as organizing workshops, conferences, seminars with the Academy and its members.

자산 발행인


자산 발행인

이 시리즈에 대해

콘라드-아데나워-재단은 자체의 교육원, 교육센터, 해외대표부 등을 통해 매년 수천개가 넘는 다양한 주제의 행사를 진행하고 있습니다. www.kas.de 에서는 귀하에게 선정된 콘퍼런스, 이벤트, 심포지엄 등에 관한 정보를 신속하게 그리고 독점적으로 제공합니다. 이 웹사이트를 통해 귀하는 행사의 요약된 내용 뿐 아니라 사진, 강연원고, 비디오 녹화 또는 오디오 녹음과 같은 추가자료들을 접할 수 있습니다.

자산 발행인