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Contributii la manifestari

Ermoupolis Seminar

de Martha Kontodaimon

for the Information Society and the Economy of Knowledge 2021

KAS Supported the hybrid Ermoupolis Seminar 2021

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The Ermoupolis Seminar for the Information Society and the Economy of Knowledge 2021 was a hybrid event, with online and live participation. KAS Greece and Cyprus supported the live participation of Doctoral candidates through its scholarships.


The Panels of each day may be found under the following links in Greek and English: 


The importance of Manufacturing and its new characteristics: Smart Manufacturing, Digitalization, Global Value Chains and the role of Intangible Assets (English)


The role of the Cities in tackling the contemporary social and environmental  challenges (Greek)


Innovation, Knowledge Intensity Entrepreneurship and Policy Issues in the Evolving Digital Environment


Digital Transformation in the field of Education


Keynote Speech by Professor Nikos Bonortas (George Washington University): US STI Policy Landscape 2016-2021


Seminar Conclusions: General Discussion


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persoane de contact

Martha Kontodaimon

Martha Kontodaimon bild

Projektmanagerin - Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Martha.Kontodaimon@kas.de +30 210 7247 126


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despre această serie

Fundaţia Konrad-Adenauer, atelierele sale de formare, centrele de formare şi birourile din străinătate oferă anual mai multe mii de manifestări pe diverse teme. Conferinţele, evenimentele, simpozioanele etc. sunt prezentate pentru Dvs. într-o manieră actuală şi exclusivă pe adresa www.kas.de. Pe lângă rezumatele manifestărilor, aici puteţi găsi materiale suplimentare cum ar fi fotografii, manuscrise ale discursurilor, înregistrări video sau audio.