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Innovation & Think Tank Sessions for a better Lebanon

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with I Have Learned academy announced the start of "Innovation & Think Tank Sessions for a better Lebanon" a free online series program on topics related to politics, economics, finance, as well as social.

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Lebanon is passing through one of the hardest phases ever in terms of economic, political and social challenges.


A solution to those problems is crucial and comes in many levels. However, we can help in creating awareness and educate people about the solutions and options they have. Also, we can help them debate and think out of the box in order to come with creative solutions.


Therefore, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with I Have Learned academy announced the start of "Innovation & Think Tank Sessions for a better Lebanon" a free online series program on topics related to politics, economics, finance, as well as social.


For 2020, the program took place during 3 months, with 2 sessions per month. The first session “Finance for Non-Finance” was the only physical session. It was done by the financial advisor Hala Mourady. The second session was on “The Corruption Virus” by Julien Courson. “Dealing with the Financial Inflation” by Abdallah Harfouch was the third session done. The fourth session “The Leaders Among us” was a panel with 5 guests: Madi Karimeh, the DJ of the Revolution who changed the vibes of Tripoli from fighting to peace - Melissa Fathallah, who insisted on getting the crane to continue the research of the dead people below the ruins of Mar Mikhael after the explosion - Peter Mouracade, who started the cleanup initiative in Beirut to keep the streets of Beirut Clean after the revolution - Wael Lazkani, who initiated "Matbakh El Balad" to cook for all people for free on the streets and was an example for many others to distribute food for others - Christelle Drouby, who led a group of young people to clean the houses of the people in Gemmayze and Mar Mikhael affected by the explosion.

The last 2 sessions were done in November, “Oil & Gas in Lebanon: Everything you need to know” by Diana Kaissy and “Technology & Governance: What Success Means” by Cyrille Najjar.


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persoane de contact

Dania Ismaiel

Dania Ismaiel


Dania.ismaiel@kas.de +961 (0)1 388 095/6


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