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Political dialogue on capacity building for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Early Warning System

Political dialogue has provided space for communities to hold their leaders to account on issues of disaster response

After engaging ward level stakeholders and opinion leaders on ethical principles of Disaster Response and Management at Marigat on the 19th and 20th of September 2018, community DRM structures have started holding their leaders to account.

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Political dialogue has provided space for communities to hold their leaders to account on issues of disaster response:

After engaging ward level stakeholders and opinion leaders on ethical principles of Disaster Response and Management at Marigat on the 19th and 20th of September 2018, community DRM structures have started holding their leaders to account. The outcome is that the long overdue -second phase- resettlement of the Internally Displaced persons at El-Dume Camp will become a reality by the second week of October 2018. The issue of the IDPs was one of the case studies used in the political dialogue workshop on disaster early warning and crisis prevention to illustrate instances where ethical principles such as the safeguard to human dignity had almost ‘failed’.

See the video below from the Baringo County Government:



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Fundaţia Konrad-Adenauer, atelierele sale de formare, centrele de formare şi birourile din străinătate oferă anual mai multe mii de manifestări pe diverse teme. Conferinţele, evenimentele, simpozioanele etc. sunt prezentate pentru Dvs. într-o manieră actuală şi exclusivă pe adresa www.kas.de. Pe lângă rezumatele manifestărilor, aici puteţi găsi materiale suplimentare cum ar fi fotografii, manuscrise ale discursurilor, înregistrări video sau audio.

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Kenya Kenya

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