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Three Day International Conference on Governance and Policy Reforms: An Indo Pacific Perspective

- Jagran Lakecity University and KAS India

The Jagran Lakecity University in collaboration with the India Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organised a three-day long international conference on the topic: “Governance and Policy Reforms: An Indo Pacific Perspective” from the 12 to 14th July.

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During the three-day long conference, various eminent governance and policy experts presented their valuable insights on the subject at hand. The conference commenced on the 12th of July with the inaugural session wherein Mr. Peter Rimmele delivered the introductory remarks. This was followed by the remarks of Dr. Sandeep Shastri and the key note address by Dr. Sachin Chaturvedi. The conference welcomed research papers from all the sub-disciplines affiliated with the title of the conference.

Over a span of 3 days, a total of 29 papers were presented. The focus of these papers was to explore the links between governance and policy from an Indo-Pacific perspective as well as to discuss in which ways politics might shape and is shaped by such public policy and governance reforms. Theoretical and empirical research papers shed light on the opportunities and constraints of different political mechanisms and institutional arrangements. In addition, the social and economic contexts that characterise these forms of public policy were also illustrated.

The major themes of the conference were the following:

  • Welfare State Policy and Governance

  • Foreign Policy and Security

  • Sectorial Policy – Status and Evaluation

  • Policies for Millennials

  • Governance and Development

  • Environmental Policies and Governance

  • Urban Policy – Issues and the Way Forward

  • Policies regarding the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals

  • The Adaptation of Policy Changes in a Post Pandemic World

  • Policy changes and their Effects in the Local and Regional Context.


The detailed outcome report can be viewed and downloaded as a pdf file on this site.


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Peter Rimmele


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