

Ägyptens Vision für das Jahr 2030: Dialog zwischen Zivilgesellschaft und Regierung

Ziel der Konferenz ist es, die Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft bei der Zukunftsgestaltung Ägyptens zu analysieren. Experten stellen Möglichkeiten zur sinnvollen Beeinflussung der Programme und Projekte der Regierung in den kommenden 30 Jahren dar.




Wednesday, 20th June 2007


10:30-11:30 Opening Session

  • Dr. Mohamed Mansour, Head of the Center for Future Studies, IDSC

  • Dr. Michael Lange, Representative of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)

  • Mr. Frank Spengler, Deputy Director of the International Department of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)

  • Dr. Magued Osman, Chairman of the Information and Decision Support Center, IDSC

11:30-12:00Coffee Break

12:00 - 13:00First Session

Chairperson:Dr. Mohammed Mansour, Head of the Center for Future Studies, IDSC


  • Dr. Abeer Shakweer, Deputy Head of the Center for Futures Studies, IDSC&&&"Egypt's Vision 2030"

13:00 – 14:30Second Session

Chairperson: Dr. Abdel Aziz Hegazy, Head of the Egyptian NGOs Federation


  • Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Dean of Faculty of arts, Cairo University

  • Mr. Helmy Abouleish, Egyptian Junior Business Association

  • Mr. Mahmoud Ashour, Al Azhar Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services

  • (Either: Priest Ikram Lami, Youssef Botros, Mohsen Naguib)

    "Needed Value System for achieving and implementing the Vision"

14:30 - 15:30High Tea

15:30 - 17:00Third Session

Chairperson:Dr. Ahmed Kamal Abou El-Magd, Deputy Chairman of National Council forHuman Rights


  • Mr. Ihab Abdou, Chairperson of "Nahdet El Mahrousa" and the "Federation of Egyptian Youth NGOs"

  • Dr. Laila Iskandar Kamel, Chairman of Community and Institutional Development

  • Eng. Mohamed Fareed Khamis, Founder of Fareed Khamis Foundation for Societal Development

    "Comments on given Questionnaire"

17:00 – 17:30Closing session

  • Dr. Mohamed Mansour, Head of The Center for Future Studies, IDSC
  • Dr. Abeer Shakweer, Deputy Head of the Center for Future Studies, IDSC
  • Dr. Andreas Jakobs, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

Conclusions and Recommendations


додати до календаря

місце зустрічі

Marriott Hotel, Kairo


  • Information and Decision Support Center


    "Egypts Vision for the Year 2030"
    читати зараз

    Dr. Michael A. Lange

    Dr. Michael A

    Kommissarischer Leiter des Rechtsstaatsprogramms Nahost/Nordafrika

    Michael.Lange@kas.de +361 1 385-094 +361 1 395-094

