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Youth Workshop on Peace Keeping, Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Kigoma

CETA and KAS have organized a three-day workshop on peace keeping



CETA and KAS have organized a three-day workshop on peace keeping, conflict prevention and resolution among youth for Kigoma Region, North Western Tanzania from 14th-16th October, 2021. The workshop was participated by 30 youth representatives with an average of 24 years old. There was a good mix of participants from civil society organizations (CSOs/NGOs), political parties, religious institutions and entrepreneurial & business forums. The capacity building workshop was planned to achieve the objectives of increasing awareness among youth representatives on peace keeping, conflict prevention and resolution. Another aim of the workshop was to empower the youth to become agents of peace keeping and conflict resolution through active participation in peace keeping forums and initiatives (both formal or informal) from family, community to national level. Following the input of the presenters there were lively but civil discussions on the issues. The frequent group discussions and active participation lead to good common understanding between the participants. Many questions asked by participants relied on approaches/techniques for solving conflicts at individual, family and community level. Participants also shared that the major source of conflicts in Kigoma is marginalization/ unfair treatment of residents as they are not Tanzanians (crisis of citizenship).  Furthermore, participants noted that residents of Kigoma are denied their basic rights because of questionable citizenship. Everyone concluded the workshop with the agreement that similar trainings should be conducted and awareness for a positive understanding of peace should be promoted.




контактна особа

Anitha Kabanza Mwanga

Anitha Kabanza Mwanga Portrait

Verwaltungs- und Projektassistentin

Anitha-Kabanza.Mwanga@kas.de +255 222153174




про цю серію

Фонд ім. Конрада Аденауера, його освітні установи, учбові центри і зарубіжні представництва щорічно пропонують по декілька тисяч мiроприємств на самі різні теми. На нашому сайті www.kas.de для Вас завжди знайдеться свіжа інформація по найцікавіших конференціях, подіях, симпозіумах і інших мiроприємствах. Окрім інформаційного наповнення тут приведені додаткові матеріали: фотографії, тексти виступів, відео- і аудіозаписи.
