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Conflict in Sudan: An Invitation to a Dialogue Session

A KAS-MDC Forum for Intra-Regional Dialogue

Join us for an expert panel discussing the conflict in Sudan. This event, moderated by Sarah Awaidah, brings together Gal Lusky, the founder of Israeli Flying Aid (IFA), Dr. Haim Koren, former director of the Political Planning Division at Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and former Israeli ambassador to Egypt and South Sudan. They will be joined by Mekki El Mograbi press writer on African Affairs and former diplomat in Washington D.C.

Expert conference

Herzliya Conference 2023

Vision & Strategy in an Era of Uncertainty

The 20th Herzliya Conference will be taking place later this month. As in previous years, this high-profile event will bring together speakers from around the world. We would like to draw your special attention to "Where are Jewish-Arab Relations Headed?", a panel discussion being held on the second day of the conference (23/05/2023), in cooperation with KAS Israel.


75 Jahre Israel: Der schwere Weg zu Versöhnung & Freundschaft mit Deutschland

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The Jewish King of Warsaw: Szczepan Twardoch in conversation with Michal Zamir

An event forming part of the series "On Political Turmoil and Human Destiny" in cooperation with KAS Israel

"King" is the latest book by Polish author Szczepan Twardoch, a crime novel telling the story of Yakub Shapira, a Jewish gangster and professional boxer. The author takes his readers into the underworld of 1930s Warsaw and masterfully sketches the growing antisemitism in Polish society at the time. The conversation between Twardoch and journalist Michal Zamir will focus on the Jewish underworld in Poland, the author's extensive research for his book and his surprising choice of subject for this literary work. This event is part of the special "On Political Turmoil and Human Destiny" series and takes places during the Jerusalem Writers Festival.


Salaam Iran: Golnaz Hashemzadeh Bonde in Conversation with Liraz Charhi

An event forming part of the series "On Political Turmoil and Human Destiny" in cooperation with KAS Israel

Golnaz Hashemzadeh Bonde was born in Iran and fled to Sweden with her parents when she was a child. In her second novel, "What We Owe", she relates the story of Nahid, an Iranian woman fleeing her country in the wake of Khomeini's rise to power. Designated a "masterpiece" by The Times, this book has won multiple literary awards and was translated into 25 languages. The conversation between Hashemzadeh Bonde and Liraz Charhi will centre around refugees and immigration, the longing for the bygone Iran, the current situation in the country as well as the life of the author. This event is part of the special "On Political Turmoil and Human Destiny" series and takes places during the Jerusalem Writers Festival.


Russia's Invasion of Ukraine One Year Later and Its Impact on the Middle East

Hiwar - A KAS-MDC Forum for Intra-Regional Dialogue


Arab Citizens and the Israeli Judicial Reform

Muntada - Forum on Arab Politics and Society in Israel

Please note that this event will be in Hebrew only.


Can Liberal Democracy Defend Itself From Internal Challengers?

Historical and Comparative Lessons

Expert conference

From Sharm El Sheikh to Abu Dhabi

A Climate and Security Conference with the INSS

Together with the INSS and the President's Israeli Climate Forum

Expert conference

Iran Conference

Annual INSS-KAS Conference

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Is the EU an enemy of Israel?

A conference discloses misconceptions

On March 24, 2014, KAS Israel and the conservative Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) jointly organized an all-day symposium on “Europe and Israel: A New Paradigm”. The symposium revealed considerable prejudices and a lack of information that parts of the right side of the political spectrum in Israel bear towards the EU, such as the misperception that the EU is hostile against Israel and driven by anti-Semitic sentiments.

“Smart Regulation”

The Evolution and the Politics behind the German and European Efforts to Promote Better, Fair and Democratic Regulation

On 3 March 2014, Dr. Johannes Ludewig, Chairman of the German National Regulatory Control Council (NKR) at the Federal Chancellor's Office in Berlin and Member of the EU High Level Group on Administrative Burdens, gave a lecture on “Smart Regulation” at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem – a subject on which he had held discussions with representatives of the Israeli parliament and the legal service of the Knesset earlier on the same day.

Peer Leadership Workshop in Haifa

Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen unseres EU-Projekts „Partners for Regional Leadership“

Am 21. und 22. Februar 2014 trafen sich 65 israelische Schüler in Haifa zu einem Trainingsworkshop. Über 2 Tage hinweg setzten die Schüler sich im Rahmen des tri-nationalen EU Projekts „PRL - Partner for Regional Leadership“ mit dem Thema Peer-Leadership auseinander. Das zweite Treffen der israelischen Teilnehmer der fand an der Reali Schule in Haifa statt. Die Schüler der Shaar HaNegev High School und der Dror Schule trafen sich mit den Schülern der Gastgeberschule mit dem Ziel sich besser kennenzulernen und in kleinen Gruppen zu erlernen, wie man sein Umfeld aktiv mitgestalten kann.

The New Terrorism-Governance Nexus

Areas of Limited Statehood, Non-State Armed Groups and the Transformation of the Middle East

Israel is increasingly surrounded by areas of limited statehood where, to varying degrees, central authorities compete for security, as well as political, economic, and ideational power with a range of armed non-state governors. This was the key issued addressed by a workshop jointly organized by the International Institute for Counterterrorism (ICT) and KAS Israel. The workshop was held at the IDC Herzliya campus, starting with a public lecture event on the evening of the 11th of February 2014, and continuing in a round-table discussion for the next two days.

The Municipal Elections 2013 in the Arab and Druze Sector in Israel

A special issue in the “Arabs in Israel Update” series

This issue is published by the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University. It summarizes the results of the municipal elections in Israel’s Arab and Druze towns held on October and November 2013.

Wandel im Nahen Osten

Zwischen Hoffnung und Ungewissheit

Auf einer Konferenz der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel und des International Institute for Counterterrorism (ICT) warnte der ehemalige israelische Verteidigungsminister und Generalstabschef a. D., Schaul Mofas MdK, vor dem Scheitern der Friedensverhandlungen mit den Palästinensern und vor dem zunehmenden Einfluss radikalislamischer Terrororganisationen in Israels Nachbarschaft.

Die Rolle der jungen Generation für die Zukunft der deutsch-israelischen Beziehungen

Vom 29. Januar bis zum 5. Februar besuchten 25 Mitglieder der Jungen Union Nordrhein-Westfalen das Heilige Land. Auf ihrer Reise wurden sie durch die Kollegen der KAS Israel und KAS Palästinensische Gebiete begleitet. Hierbei absolvierte die Delegation ein umfangreiches Programm und traf mit Politikern, jungen Entscheidungsträgern sowie religiösen Führungspersönlichkeiten zusammen.

Die Krise der Regierungsfähigkeit im Nahen Osten

Junge Deutsche und Israelis diskutieren über neue sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen

Am Mittwoch, den 29. Januar trafen sich Vertreter der Jungen Union Nordrhein-Westfalen mit israelischen Studierenden am Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC), um mit diesen über das sicherheitspolitische Umfeld Israels drei Jahre nach dem „Arabischen Erwachen“ zu diskutieren.

Advocacy Training - Stärkung der umweltpolitisch engagierten Zivilgesellschaft in Israel

Seminar-Reihe für Mitarbeiter israelischer Umweltorganisationen

Über die Sommermonate 2013 hinweg veranstalteten die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel und der Dachverband der israelischen Umweltorganisationen, Life & Environment (L&E), Fortbildungsseminare im Bereich Lobbyarbeit und Interessenvertretung für Mitarbeiter israelischer Umweltorganisationen. Ziel der Seminarreihe war es, den Teilnehmern Kenntnisse über den Stand der israelischen Umweltgesetzgebung und Methoden zur wirkungsvollen Lobbyarbeit mit israelischen Entscheidungsträgern zu vermitteln.

Umweltschutz und Klimawandel auf kommunaler Ebene

Umweltpolitsche Forumsreihe zu den Kommunalwahlen 2013

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel und die Umweltorganisation „Society for the Protection of Nature“ (SPNI) setzen sich gemeinsam dafür ein, umweltpolitische Themen, insbesondere die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Klimawandel, mehr in den Fokus der öffentlichen und politischen Wahrnehmung zu rücken. Dies ist insbesondere auf der Ebene der Städte und Gemeinden von hoher Relevanz, da diese aufgrund ihrer Bürgernähe und ihrer Präsenz in der Fläche als zentrale Träger klimapolitischer Maßnahmen agieren können.