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EU Projects

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Multilateral cooperation is an important focus of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). We thus work as a partner to the European Union with the aim of strengthening democracy, promoting party-political cooperation, non-state actors (civil society, media, etc.) and dialogue, conducting political awareness events and supporting conflict prevention alongside good governance and decentralisation.

By implementing EU projects, we increase the impact of our measures. The complementary activities of the EU projects raise our profile in the respective project countries and contribute to the implementation of European policies.

Since 2005, in cooperation with local partners and with substantial co-financing, we have successfully implemented more than 80 projects worldwide worth over 80 million euros.

The EU Projects department is part of the European and International Cooperation (EIC) department. Its tasks include in particular the support of KAS’s Foundation offices and its local partners in all phases of EU projects. These include in particular:

  • Applications
  • Management and implementation of projects
  • Advice on programmatic and financial issues
  • Communication and liaison with the EU

It operates from its headquarters in Berlin and with the support of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue (MNED) in Brussels, which is mainly responsible for dialogue with the European Union and its institutions in the EU capital.

In cooperation with European and international partners, KAS also takes part in tenders for EU service projects and benefits strongly from its worldwide institutional presence provided by our Foundation offices as well as the broad network of local partners and experts on the project-relevant issues.

The interactive map shows all projects implemented and currently carried out worldwide.

Interaktive Karten

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Team member

Alexander Perdoni

Alexander Perdoni

Desk Officer Department EU-Projects +49 30 26996-3976
Team member

Friederike Kroner

Portrait von Friederike Kroner

Referentin EU-Projekte
Team member

Anzhelika Weingart

Anzhelika Weingart bild

Finance Desk Officer Department EU-Projects +49 30 26996-3596 +49 30 26996-53596
Team member

Angela Castelletti


Finance Manager EU-Projects +49 30 26996-3727
Team member

Peter Müller

Finance Manager EU-Projects +49 30 26996-3681 +49 30 26996-53681
Team member

Sylvia Smarsch

Sylvia Smarsch bild

Administration Assistant EU-Projects +49 30 26996-3604 +49 30 26996-53604
Team member

Daniela Zambrano-Cambero

Daniela Zambrano-Cambero bild

Finance Manager EU-Projects +49 30 26996-3479 +49 30 26996-53479

Dr. Olaf Wientzek

Olaf Wientzek bild

Director of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue Brussels +32 2 669 31 70

Igor Bryzhatyi

Igor Bryzhatyi bild

Programme Manager EU-Projects +32 2 66931 74

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