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Change of government with turbulences

Mexico's democracy at a crossroads

After the right and important developments since 2000, is Mexican democracy in a dangerous downward spiral?

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Elections, state-controlled

Parliamentary elections ahead of COP29

Despite many hurdles and a predictable outcome, independent candidates are challenging Aliyev's government.

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New issue of International Reports

What will become of globalisation?

In a world where other states weaponize economic interdependencies, Germany and Europa need to readjust their policies. Read here to find out which principles should guide us.

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Country Report

How much sun can be fed into the grid?

Challenges and opportunities of solar roof promotion in the context of Vietnam's energy transformation

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Country report

Peking's Reach for the Sea of Japan

While the Western media continue to speculate about China's role in the Russian war of aggression, Beijing is trying to maximize its benefits.

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is active worldwide in promoting democracy and the rule of law, helping to establish the structures of a social market economy, and defending human rights. It supports the development of political parties, civil society groups and free and independent media by training and offering continuing education opportunities to young people starting out in their careers. Thanks to a variety of consulting and dialogue programmes, it promotes the creation and expansion of decentralised structures for municipal and regional administration.

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The KAS Day 2024

Democracy protects. Protects democracy.

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Media library

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

Interview with Jens Spahn: What will be the future of globalization?

Geopolitical tensions are increasing. The IMF speaks of “geo-economic fragmentation”. So is globalization as we know it coming to an end?

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

The "forgotten" catastrophe: On the war in Sudan

With a view to the war in Sudan, observers say it is currently the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. But what are the underlying causes of the conflict?

Was ist vom "Summit of the Future" zu erwarten?

Der ganz große Wurf?

In dieser MuiltiPod-Episode gibt Thomas Tödtling, Leiter des Auslandsbüros der KAS in New York, Einblicke in den aktuellen Verhandlungsstand. Gelingt der ganz große Wurf?

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

Society and politics in Ukraine: inside views from a troubled country

In this episode, we take a look at Ukraine - but less at the actual events on the front line and more at the mood in Ukrainian society and politics.

New episode of "Auslandsinfo. Spotlight"

Migration as a political leverage? The Sahel region, Russia's influence and Europe's helplessness

Following military coups in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, Russia is increasingly gaining influence in the Sahel region. Ulf Laessing explains the consequences of this development.

KAS USA Dialog Program

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert: Hopes for NATO and parliamentarianism

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert's assessment of the Alliance's birthday and his impressions of the state of parliamentarianism in Europe and the USA.

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

Nuclear weapons expert Frank Sauer: Putin's nuclear threats and the concept of nuclear deterrence

What is Russian President Putin calculating with his nuclear weapons threats? How does "nuclear deterrence" work and why is it gaining importance again?

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

Who defends Europe? Dr. Puglierin on European security policy and US priorities

Is the USA scaling back its commitment to Europe's security? In this episode, we talk to political scientist Dr. Puglierin about the US view of Europe.

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

And now, Europe? Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy on the European elections and their consequences

Europe has voted. But what lessons can be learned from the election? What does the result mean for the future policy of the European Union?

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

India as a superpower? Hindu nationalism and New Delhi's foreign policy ambitions

India is the most populous country in the world, and the Indian economy is the fifth largest in the world. In this episode, we take a closer look at India's foreign policy.

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