

Naftogaz vs Gazprom: What role for the European Union?

The upcoming year will prove decisive with regard to the future of the European Union’s gas transit from Russia. The role of Ukraine, traditionally the main transit corridor for natural gas to Europe, is seriously questioned given the expiry of the current transit contracts between Gazprom and Naftogaz on 31 December 2019. The event will have a look into possible Impacts for Europe and its member states.



The upcoming year will prove decisive with regard to the future of the European Union’s gas transit from Russia. The role of Ukraine, traditionally the main transit corridor for natural gas to Europe, is seriously questioned given the expiry of the current transit contracts between Gazprom and Naftogaz on 31 December 2019. Settling the future relationship between the two companies remains of paramount importance given the dependence of most of the Baltic, Central and Eastern European member states on Russian gas and also due to the financial interest of Ukraine as a transit country. At the same time, Brussels remains divided on the future of Nord Stream 2 which is receiving serious criticism from a number of European countries that see the pipeline as a direct risk for the energy security in the region. What could be the possible future commercial and contractual frameworks between Gazprom and Naftogaz for gas transit post 2019? Would new gas infrastructure from Russia contribute to the lowering of gas prices for businesses and households in Europe? What role for the European Union in this dynamic?


12:30 Registration & Lunch

13:00 Welcome and Opening remarks

Tomi Huhtanen, Executive Director of Wilfried Martens Centre

13:05 Panel debate

Maciej Ciszewski, Policy officer, Dir B – Internal Energy Market, European Commission

Marco Giuli, Policy Anaylst, EPC

Bruno Lété, Senior Fellow, GMF

Krišjānis Kariņš, Member of the European Parliament

Elmar Brok, Member of the European Parliament (tbc)

14:00 Q&A session

Moderation: Roland Freudenstein, Research Director, Wilfried Martens Centre

14:25 Closing remarks & Coffee reception

Johannes Hügel, Research Associate, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung


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  • Tomi Huhtanen
    • Executive Director
      • Martens Centre Maciej Ciszewski
        • DG ENER
          • European Commission Marco Giuli
            • European Policy Centre Krisjanis Karins
              • Member of the European Parliament Bruno Lété
                • German Marshall Fund Roland Freudenstein
                  • Policy Director
                    • Martens Centre Johannes Hügel
                      • Research Associate
                        • MNED Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

                          Sabina Wölkner

                          Sabina Wölkner

                          Leiterin Abteilung Agenda 2030

                 +49 30 26996 3522 +49 30 26996 3555

                          Johannes Hügel

                          Johannes Hügel

                          Leiter des Auslandsbüros Ecuador

                 (+593) 2-401-6117 ext 812