

KAS, UCT, Acccountability Now and Primerio International invite you to

Countering the Corrupt: Reform of the Criminal Justice Administration in South Africa

Please join us on 6 February 2023 for a set of expert panel discussions as a critical intervention to rebuild governance from the devastation of state capture.



Please register here


More information about Paul Hoffman's book, Countering the Corrupt, and a link for the free e-book, is available here:


The programme can be accessed here: Programme download


Chief Justice Zondo was scathing in his final report of the State Capture Commission, pointing to industrial scale fraud, looting, corruption, and massive deficit in integrity, accountability and hence governance, leading to citizens being unable to access their basic human rights as enshrined in our Constitution.

President Ramaphosa himself, when receiving the final report, expressed the deep sense of shame, embarrassment and betrayal by the governing party, and many leaders in Government and the private sector, implicated in state capture, corruption and wrongdoing, and invited citizens with the requisite skills and expertise to come forward in helping to fix the country and society broken by the state capture project.

It is in this regard that civil society partners Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Primerio International, Accountability Now and the University of Cape Town have come together to heed the President’s call with a critical intervention to help arrest the decay of society by fixing and rebuilding governance after the devastation of state capture, by proposing the strengthening of SA’s accountability architecture. We are proud to present a conference on critical aspects of the reform of the criminal justice administration in South Africa.



Summary Report - Countering the Corrupt - 6 February 2023.pdf


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Register here:


  • Minister Ronald Lamola
    • Professor Firoz Cachalia
      • Judge Ian Farlam
        • Izak Smuts
          • Lawson Naidoo
            • Paul Pretorius
              • Ben Theron
                • Malini Govender
                  • Cynthia Stimpel
                    • Tseliso Thipanyane
                      • Michael-James Currie
                        • John Oxenham
                          • Colette Ashton
                            • Glynnis Breytenbach
                              • Hermione Cronje
                                • Judge Richard Goldstone
                                  • Mwila Bwanga
                                    • Paul Hoffman
                                      • Marianne Camerer
                                        • Lord Peter Hain
                                          • Professor Somadoda Fikeni
                                            • Archbishop Thabo Makgoba
                                              • Koogan Pillay


                                                Conference report: Reform of the Criminal Justice Administration in South Africa: Author: Koogan Pillay
                                                Jetzt lesen

                                                Christiaan Endres

                                                Christiaan Endres


                                       +27 (11) 214 2900-204


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                                                Auslandsbüro Südafrika