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Reuters / Irakli Gedenidze

Country Reports

Protests escalate in Georgia against Russian agent law

First the Georgian government introduces the so-called agents law, then it withdraws it after massive protests. But this seems to be a play for time.

In Georgia, 8 March is a holiday on which women in particular are traditionally given flowers. This year it was different in the capital Tbilisi: Instead of flowers, many young Georgian women received tear gas and water cannons. A large, peaceful demonstration, carried mainly by students, was violently broken up during the night by a brutal intervention of special police units. Apparently surprised by the massive pressure from the street, the ruling party withdrew the law, but the "red line" may have already been crossed.

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The full-length country report is currently only available in German. 

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Matthias Hespe

Matthias Hespe Portrait

Stephan Malerius

Stephan Malerius

Leiter des Regionalprogramms Politischer Dialog Südkaukasus +995322459112


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