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Event Reports


Pathways for a desirable future

Workshop on Energy

Third Stammtisch of the KAS Alumni in Rio de Janeiro

Third meeting in Rio de Janeiro

Alumni of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation gathered for their third Stammtisch in Brazil to benefit from the experience of their fellow ex-scholarship holders, to network and to strengthen their bonds with the foundation.

The development cooperation of the European Union – MUN simulation at UFRRJ

MUN-Simulation an der UFRRJ

During a simulation of the United Nations at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) Christian Matthäus informed students about the diversity of European and national development aid. In particular he talked about the interaction between both a European and national level. In this context he also elaborated the role of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Women in politics: training for new leaderships

Meeting in Alagoas

XXII Forum Brazil – Europe

Forum attracts more than 350 participants

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung conducted, jointly with the European Delegation in Brazil, the Parliamentary Group Brazil – European Union within the European Parliament and the University of Brasília the XXII Forum Brazil – Europe. For the very first time, more than 350 participants were welcomed by the organizers in the Brazilian Congress. The forum held the title “Brazil and Europe – Partners on the global stage”.

Women in Politics: training new leaderships in Brasília

During the 26th and 27th February, 2015, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in partnership with the National PSDB-Women, organized in Brasilia, the Women's Workshop in politics: training new leaderships. The first event was held in São Paulo, on 29 and 30 January, being developed for the new affiliates of the PSDB in the Southeast and South of Brazil. The course in Brasilia had the participation of women from the Midwest and North of the country.


The heads of the environmental departments from the capitals of the northeast states convened for a regional conference of the Forum CB27 in Aracajú, the capital of Sergipe.


25 años sin muro

"Espero que, así como los berlineses orientales, en paz, y usando martillos y picos, derribaron la tiranía y la opresión del modelo socialista, espacios de reflexión e intercambio como la plataforma de comunicación Diálogo Político contribuyan a tirar abajo los muros, visibles e invisibles, que todavía nos rodean." Presentación, página 6.


25 años sin muro

"Espero que, así como los berlineses orientales, en paz, y usando martillos y picos, derribaron la tiranía y la opresión del modelo socialista, espacios de reflexión e intercambio como la plataforma de comunicación Diálogo Político contribuyan a tirar abajo los muros, visibles e invisibles, que todavía nos rodean."Presentación, página 6.

Politischer Dialog 2 | 2014

25 Jahre ohne Mauer

"Ich hoffe, dass die Publikation "Politischer Dialog" als Platform für Reflexion und Austausch zum Fall der sichtbaren und unsichtbaren Mauern, welche uns noch immer umgeben, beiträgt; wie auch die Ostberliner die Tyrannei und die Unterdrückung des sozialistischen Systems auf friedliche Weise zu Fall brachten." Freie Übersetzung, Presentation, Seite 6.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.