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Comunicação e Políticas Públicas para mulheres na Rocinha

Estão abertas as inscrições para o curso Comunicação e Políticas Públicas para mulheres na Rocinha, realizado pelo Fala Roça com apoio da Fundação Konrad Adenauer


Palestra do Dr. Stephan Harbarth, Presidente da Corte Constitucional Federal da Alemanha

Apresentação da decisão do Tribunal Constitucional Federal Alemão sobre Proteção Ambiental e Mudanças Climáticas


Human rights training course

Public policies for women, children and young people

The Human Rights Training course, organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in partnership with Kolping Brazil, aims to train and disseminate in-depth knowledge on the subject of human rights in a broad and accessible way. In addition, we seek to debate important issues for the current social context, which impact the lives of millions of people in Brazil and around the world on a daily basis.


The National Meeting of the Politize! Ambassadors Program takes place this weekend in São Paulo!

Here's how you can take part in this leadership training network that is increasingly impacting Brazil.

Supported by KAS Brasil since 2021, Politize! is a Brazilian civil society organization whose mission is to train a generation of citizens who are aware of and committed to democracy through political education. In partnership, we present the 5th edition of the National Meeting of the leadership training program: Politize!’s Ambassadors.

Book presentation

New Directions for Brazilian Foreign Policy

Debate on Cadernos Adenauer 2/2023

On November 8th, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation will hold a debate at 5pm BRT to launch the publication "New Directions in Brazilian Foreign Policy".

Book presentation

Technology, Security and Rights: the uses and risks of facial recognition systems in Brazil

Seminar to launch the publication

It is with great pleasure that the Konrad Adenauer Foundation invites you to participate in the launch event of its latest publication "Technology, Security and Rights: the uses and risks of facial recognition systems in Brazil", organized by Dr. Eleonora Mesquita Ceia and Dr. Daniel Edler.


II. National Meeting of Female Mayors: Women at the Forefront of the New Economy

Socioeconomic development with a focus on care policies, environmental change, and gender and race equality.


Human Rights and Dignity Course

Course organized by Kolping Brazil in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation


Public Policies Workshop

Registrations are open for the Public Policies Workshop.


The Climate Policy and Development: Pathways for Brazil

Political leaders committed to acting together for Brazilian sustainable development

This program, held by the Network for Political action for Sustainability "RAPS" in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brazil (KAS Brasil) and the University "Insper", will focus on the qualification of 20 political leaders with high impact potential in sustainable development concepts, so that they lead the design and implementation of political solutions to the challenges of the 21st century, especially climate change, and exchange experiences with people who face similar political and public challenges.

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O jornal alemão Der Tagesspiegel anuncia vagas no projeto "Jornal Paralímpico" para os jogos Rio 2016

A Fundação Konrad Adenauer colabora na divulgação de um concurso promovido por Der Tagesspiegel em parceria com a Federação Alemã de Seguros para Acidentes Sociais (Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung - DGUV) para jovens brasileiros.

Sitzung des Beirats der KAS-Brasilien 2015

Das Auslandsbüro Brasilien der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung lud für den 18. November 2015 zur jährlichen Beiratssitzung nach Rio de Janeiro. Während eines Tages wurde mit den aus verschiedenen Sektoren stammenden Beiräten (Politik, Verwaltung, Medien, Universitäten etc.) die aktuelle politische und wirtschaftliche Lage in Brasilien erörtert und diskutiert, welche strategische Positionierung sich vor diesem Hintergrund für die Stiftung empfiehlt.

CB27 and the seminar Resilient Cities: Community and Climate

The 13th CB27 Regional Meeting took place during the First Seminar Resilient Cities: Community and Climate, organized by the Secretary of the Environment of Curitiba

XII Forte de Copacabana International Security Conference

World Politics of Security

The twelfth edition of Latin America's biggest security conference took place in Rio de Janeiro on the 8th of October. Together with the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) and the Delegation of the European Union to Brazil, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation welcomed well over 500 participants – counting livestream viewers -, including many representatives of the diplomatic corps as well as numerous international experts from the political, military and scientific fields.

IBSA and the Politics of the World Order

IBSA – India, Brazil and South Africa

On October 2nd 2015, the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung) set up a Seminar of the Experts for addressing the Theme “IBSA and the Politics of the World Order“, which took place at the BRICS’s Policy Centre in Rio de Janeiro. The private event brought together invitees including Scholars of the Foundation, University Professors and Representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, for the exchange of confidential viewpoints between experts on economy, politics and civil society to address the future of emerging nations and to render possible their leadership aspirations.

34th Annual Meeting of the German-Brazilian Bar Association

KAS Brazil sponsors German-Brazilian Bar Association

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation Brazil Office (KAS Brazil) sponsored the 34th Annual Congress of the German-Brazilian Bar Association (DBJV), which was held from September 24th to 25th 2015, in Belo Horizonte. The conference was entitled "Protection of Privacy and Freedom of Information in the Digital Age". The main issues discussed were the internationally acclaimed Brazilian law "Marco Civil", which regulates the rights and obligations of Internet users as regards their data, as well as the debate about Internet freedom and universal unrestricted Internet access.

„Etwas, was man wirklich loben muss“

Bundesbildungsministerin Wanka gratuliert der Begabtenförderung zu ihrem 50-jährigen Bestehen

Mit einem Festakt hat die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung das 50-jährige Bestehen ihrer Begabtenförderung gefeiert. Eine besondere Würdigung erfuhr sie dabei durch die Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung Professor Johanna Wanka, die ihre Glückwünsche persönlich übermittelte.

Regional meeting of the CB27 in Macapá

Environmental secretaries met once again to discuss the most pressing environmental issues. This time the meeting took place in the northern region in order to discuss the specific case of the Amazon region.

KAS Brazil meets ODCA President

ODCA-President Jorge Ocejo in Brazil

Between the 26th and 28th August 2015, the President of the Association of Christian Democratic Parties of Latin America (ODCA), Mexican PAN politician Jorge Ocejo, came to Brazil to attend political talks in São Paulo. He was accompanied during his stay by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung trainee Christian Matthäus highlighting the alliance between ODCA and KAS.

Virtual Democracy - "Implications for International Relations"

Manaus Edition

After the previous editions on the social and economic impact of virtual democracy, the third edition of the seminar series "Virtual Democracy", held in the city of Manaus, focusses on the changes the digital world has caused in the field of International Relations. Manaus' prestigious UNINORTE University hosted intensive discussions with renowned Brazilian experts on international interdependence.