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Event Reports


Beirut Debates

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of its new debate forum "Beirut Debates". The series aims to provide a platform for debates between representatives from politics, the private sector, academics, activists and civil society. The exchanges will bring together different viewpoints and provide a space to reflect on the challenges and opportunities facing Lebanon and the wider region. Famous in the Middle East for its liberal approach to diversity and free exchange of views, Beirut is a hub of intellectual debate in a region where critical voices struggle to have their voices heard. The first event in this series took place on the 29th of October and revolved around the title "Rethinking Foreign Aid for Lebanon: A Reflection on Lessons Learned, Accountability and Responsibility".

Co-Working offices and post-crisis support for affected freelancers and entrepreneurs

On August 4th, 2020 a catastrophic explosion hit our beloved country Lebanon, gravely damaging Beirut and its surrounding neighborhoods. The massive explosion caused extensive suffering to the people of the city, tremendous damage to its physical and cultural fabric, and dealt a severe blow to multiple economic sectors, hitting the heart of entrepreneurship, freelancers and digital districts. Over 100,000 businesses were closed and thousands of freelancers lost their laptops and office equipment.

Innovation & Think Tank Sessions for a better Lebanon

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with I Have Learned academy announced the start of "Innovation & Think Tank Sessions for a better Lebanon" a free online series program on topics related to politics, economics, finance, as well as social.

The Good Governance Forum - The Public Procurement Law

The Public Procurement Law is a basis for good governance, what are the obstacles that prevent its approval?

The Inauguration of the Good Governance Forum

Within the framework of achieving good governance, strengthening governance and combating corruption in the public and private sectors, the Observatory of Public Function and Good Governance (OFP) (OFP) at Saint Joseph University in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) inaugurated the Good Governance Forum on Wednesday, November 4 at the campus of the Faculty of Social Sciences on Huvelin-Beirut-Lebanon.

Rebuild Beirut

How to fight against corruption on repair works?

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in collaboration with the Robert Schuman Institute (RSI) carried out a digital seminar on “Rebuild Beirut: How to fight against corruption on repair works?” on the 13th and 16th of October 2020.

Toward a strategic vision of the Lebanese energy sector

On the 21st of October 2020, and under their mutual strive the foster policy dialogue toward the development of the strategic vision of the Lebanese energy sector, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung joined forces with Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), and the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) and the energy experts Carole Ayyat and Jessika Obeid and brought together a first-of-a-kind hybrid round table discussions.

Navigating Entrepreneurship

A project designed to raise awareness on the importance of entrepreneurship in today’s workplace and to equip high school students with the necessary know how

In light of the current crisis, Lebanon needs to build a generation of economically resilient citizens. With the project “Navigating Entrepreneurship”, Rural Entrepreneurs and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung are aiming to contribute to this objective.

Political Dialogue Program on the Current Situation in Lebanon

MdB Marian Wendt

KAS Lebanon Office accompanied the German MP Marian Wendt on his delegation trip from August 16th to 19th. The explosions destroyed large parts of the Lebanese capital and left the entire country in shock and deep sadness. Following the events of 4 August, MP Wendt visited the country in order to assess the situation on the ground and to talk to representatives from aid organisations, state institutions and political groups involved in the crisis response.

COVID-19 National and Local Responsibilities in Lebanon and Germany

On the 26th of June 2020, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung held an online webinar in cooperation with Democracy Reporting International, aiming to address National and Local Responses and Responsibilities in Lebanon and Germany to COVID-19. The panels included German MdB Marian Wendt of the State of Saxony, MP Elias Hankach from Lebanon, Governor of Baalbek-Hermel Bachir Khodr, Landrat of Traunstein Sigfried Walch and Mayor of Bcharre Freddy Keirouz. The panels were moderated by Mrs. Tania Awad Ghorra.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.