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Expert conference

The Growing Importance of the Black Sea

A conference for experts from Media, Politics and the Military

Expert conference

On the Fringes of War

Two Years into the Russian War of Aggression against Ukraine

A lot has been said about the fears of peoples in the Baltic states or in Poland, that they might be targeted next by Moscow. But have we heard about Moldova, Bulgaria or Romania?

Expert conference

20th Frankfurt Days on Media Law 2024

“Strategies against disinformation and propaganda”

Desinformation and propaganda have the potential to erode trust, exacerbate societal divides, and hinder political engagement. Over the past few years, the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine have accelerated the dissemination of misinformation. In response to this challenge, numerous countries have been developing strategies to address this issue. Notably, the European Union has implemented crucial regulations, including the Digital Services Act, and is actively pursuing additional initiatives such as the Media Freedom Act. It is necessary for the democratic societies to develop strategies to fight the spread of disinformation and propaganda while upholding the principles of free speech and independent journalism.


Adenauer Lecture

"The crisis of local journalism in Germany and beyond"

The sixth Adenauer Lecture at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" will take place on 5 December 2023 at 11:00 am.


How war and crisis reporting has changed

from Sarajevo and Rwanda to Afghanistan and Ukraine


XVII South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF)



Leseland DDR



BIRN Summer School of Investigative Reporting

Summer School of Investigative Reporting for journalists and editors from Southeast Europe


Summer School of Political Communication 2023

Training for young spokespersons and PR experts from political parties and governments in South East Europe


On the Frontline: War Journalism in the 21st Century?

KAS Partner Session at the Global Media Forum 2023

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Online Discussion: China´s Rising Media Presence in South East Europe

The results of the new publication of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) Sofia were presented in an online discussion with experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia and Taiwan.

Vladimir Shopov, expert on foreign relations and visiting fellow at ECFR Sofia, has conducted a study on behalf of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe on China's media presence in eight South East European countries - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. He presented the main findings of his research during the online event, moderated by Vessela Tcherneva, Head of the ECFR office in Sofia, on 9 December.

Social network filter bubbles isolate the online users

The third edition of the "Adenauer Media Online Training" focused on algorithms in social networks

The trainers Tatjana Ljubic and Stefan Janjic from Serbia explained with the help of various graphics and videos how social networks influence and partly control our lives today.

Iliyan Ruzhin

SEE media forum in hybrid format: Quality journalism is more important than ever in times of crisis

The biggest media conference in South East Europe took place on 22nd October, online and on spot in Belgrade, Fažana, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Sofia und Tirana.

This year, the XIV. edition of the South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) was held for the first time in a hybrid format, in six venues all over South East Europe. Economic challenges for the media due to the COVID-19 pandemic, sustainable digital transitions and the reliability of the media in the context of the global crisis were discussed during the forum.

“Don’t read me the news, tell me the story”

On 3 October 2020 the KAS Media Programme South East Europe organised the second edition of the “Adenauer Online Media Training”.

Journalism is a dynamic profession. Progressive developments within digital technologies are changing the consumption habits of media users and thus also the demands on the journalistic work. It is becoming more and more difficult to get and, above all, retain the attention of the audience. Storytelling is a core element of the journalistic work. “Every journalist, whether writing for print, television or digital media, should be a good storyteller”, explains Aleksandar Manasiev, trainer of the second edition of the “Adenauer Media Online Training”.

Inclusion in journalism as a basis for better understanding of minorities

As a journalist, how do I write ethically, without prejudice? How do media report on minorities? How do I tell touching stories? How do I recognise misinformation? All these questions and many more were discussed during the intercultural seminar "Media Incubator" in Sofia.

For the first time the KAS Media Programme South East Europe organised a workshop for journalists together with the Goethe Institute Bulgaria. It took place from September 28 to September 30 under the name "Media Incubator" and in further cooperation with the Bulgarian NGO "Trust for Social Achievement"

KAS/Marco Urban

Die Zukunft der Erweiterungspolitik und die transatlantische Partnerschaft

Westbalkan Botschafterkonferenz in Berlin

Unter strengen Hygienevorschriften fand am 7. September in Berlin im Rahmen der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft die 5. Westbalkan-Botschafterkonferenz der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung statt.

Start of the new training series "Adenauer Media Online Training"

The launch of our new training series "Adenauer Media Online Training" took place on August 27th.

Online Round Table: Media Law Developments during the Corona Crisis

A long-standing cooperation brings together the KAS Media Programme South East Europe and the EMRK working group named after Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Regional exchange (this time in digital form) with experts from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, the Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia and Serbia took place on the 11th of June. Current developments of the media law were discussed during the session.


Workshop for political communication experts: "How to organise online events successfully?"

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the daily work of institutions, authorities, companies and the media worldwide. As a result, the work processes have to be reorganised and especially online. Since the beginning of the crisis, new online formats such as online meetings and conferences have been established. Although the content of certain topics remains unchanged, the organisation of online events is a challenge with various aspects which should be taken into account.


Online discussion: Shrinking space for media freedom in South East Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic

In South East Europe, media freedom is already far from ideal in ordinary circumstances, and is shrinking further in the current corona crisis. The question arises as to what role civil society and pro-democratic institutions should play to protect media freedom in such moments.