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“Georgian Dream” turns into a nightmare

The Georgian government is rapidly turning away from the Euro-Atlantic course. But civil society and the opposition are not giving up.

“Foreign Agents Law”, “Offshore Law” and intensified cooperation with China - fundamental political changes are emerging in Georgia. The ruling party “Georgian Dream” has taken the West by surprise with its rapid autocratization. The overwhelmingly pro-European population has been taking to the streets on a historic scale for weeks to protest against these developments. However, the government remains unimpressed and continues the confrontation. The developments are not just about the much-cited “Foreign Agents Law”, but about larger geopolitical shifts in the region. The stakes are high for the West.

Impact of AI on Local News Models

Will AI Unlock Growth or be an Existential Threat?

Artificial Intelligence is disrupting the Local News industry. This new report by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung USA and Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University, is looking at the role AI can play in the way customers will consume news in the future. How are local media already using artificial intelligence in the newsroom and on the business side?

Adobe Stock / abr68

Wake-up call for integration policy

The crime statistics 2023 show the need for integration policy action

At the beginning of April, the Federal Minister of the Interior presented the Police Crime Statistics (PCS) 2023. According to these statistics, the number of crimes in Germany has risen by 5.5 per cent since 2022. The Federal Criminal Office (FCPO) believes that one reason for the increase is the high immigration figures. The PCS suggests that there may be a connection between criminal tendencies and a lack of integration. What contribution could integration policy make to crime reduction?

Estudio analiza estrategias de los medios chinos en Latinoamérica a través de YouTube

La investigadora del CAD, Sascha Hannig, presentó el estudio China Media Group en Español: Análisis de la presencia de los medios estatales chinos en YouTube en Español.

El estudio analizó el comportamiento de los medios en más de 14.000 videos.

Handbook on 2024 Presidential Elections in the Republic of North Macedonia

First edition

Traditionally, since 2013, every election year, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Office in Skopje (KAS) and the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” from Skopje (IDSCS) prepare handbooks for the electoral processes in the country.

Adobe Stock / kilimanjaro

Energy transition? Yes, but please make it sustainable!

Appeal for an environmentally friendly, secure and affordable energy supply in Germany

15 April 2024 marks the anniversary of the shutdown of the last three nuclear power plants in Germany. An opportunity to take stock of Germany's energy transition. Our short policy paper suggests guidelines for making the energy transition sustainable.


Gesellschaftliche Chancen und Risiken Künstlicher Intelligenz im politischen Prozess

Eine dreiteilige Vorlesungsreihe an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt.

Enhancing Pacific Ecosystems for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Roundtable Policy Dialogue

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Australia) was pleased to support the Griffith Asia Institute’s Roundtable Policy Dialogue on “Enhancing Pacific Ecosystems for Entrepreneurship and Innovation” held on 26/27 March 2024 in Brisbane.

Ciclo de charlas Hablemos de Futuro

La investigadora del CEP, Sylvia Eyzaguirre, presentó el libro Disparidad bajo la lupa. Una radiografía a las brechas de género en Chile.

En el encuentro, la investigadora expuso sobre la evidencia y propuestas de políticas públicas que se recogen en la publicación.

Mobility Transformation

This joint publication with the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI) provides an exemplary overview of visions and approaches in Germany and Korea for their respective Mobility Transformation.