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reuters / Fabian Bimmer

Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst: Wahlwerbung

Auswertung einer repräsentativen Umfrage zu Wahlwerbung im Wahlkampf 2021

Vor einer Bundestagswahl bemühen sich die Parteien intensiv darum, ihre Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten, ihre Positionen und ihre Vorteile gegenüber der Konkurrenz auf Plakaten, in Zeitungen, beim Fernsehen oder Online herauszustellen. Parteien verbreiten ihre Kernaussagen, Wahlberechtigte erhalten Briefe und E-Mails mit Wahlwerbung, an Straßenständen und Haustüren wird um Wahlstimmen geworben. Doch welche Arten von Wahlkampfkommunikation erreichen die Wahlberechtigten?

Edwin Ottichilo

Kenya one week before the general election 2022

Too close to call, too important to go wrong

In just a week, Kenyans get to decide one of Africa’s most anticipated elections in 2022. Elections are hold at all levels, national, regional and local. Nearly 2000 posts need to be filled. Usually chaotic and disputed, each election cycle to date has tested the strength of Kenya’s democracy and its institutions. This time will be no exception. The biggest prize up for grabs is the presidenvcy. Amongst the four candidates in the race, Raila Odinga and Wiliam Ruto are the frontrunners. While it is hard to predict the winner of this race, the losers will likely be Kenyan voters. Kenyans are not offered a credible choice between competing political visions for their future. Instead, they must decide between unappealing candidates, who seem to be occupied with their own political and business ambitions rather than the interests of the very citizens they aspire to represent. Much is at stake. Kenya is the economic powerhouse of East Africa. Controversial elections will scare off investors and could weaken the Kenyan shilling, impacting a region still recovering from the economic downturn of COVID-19 and dealing with the economic effects of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. During this volatile moment for the multilateral world order, it would be bad news for the West if one of its few reliable partners in Africa turns inwards to deal with a messy election outcome. Perhaps most importantly, African democracy needs the elections in Kenya to go smoothly. Despite their flaws, Kenyan elections are amongst the most credible in the region and could be a welcomed break from the democratic backsliding seen in many other parts of Africa recently.

Amazon Bioeconomy

A navigation through the scientific frontiers and potentials for innovation

Launch of the study "Amazon Bioeconomy: A navigation through the scientific frontiers and potentials for innovation".

The (More) Defensive Democracy

Russia and Ten Other Threats to Our Freedom

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has catapulted the question of the defensive potential of democracy to the foreground of public interest. However, we must not forget that tanks and missiles are not the only threat to our free society. This volume of essays is therefore devoted not only to the security threat situation in Europe, but also to several “softer” threats, at least not in the classical sense of military threats to democracy.

KAS Brasilien

Parties and parliaments are collective, parliamentarians are individual - now what?

Brazil in Focus 07/2022

The new article of "Brasil em Foco" series brings reflections on the relationship between the individualistic logic and the incentives to build a collective order in a representative democracy.

The Brazilian Yearbook of Public Security – Elections 2022

The Brazilian Yearbook of Public Security – Elections 2022, a result of a partnership between the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Brazilian Forum of Public Security, seeks to contribute to the national and sub-national debate on the directions and directions of public security policies


Jihadism in the United Kingdom

A Threat Picture since the Fall of the Caliphate's Capitals

The United Kingdom has been the target of many terrorist attacks. In our study, Raffaello Pantucci analyses the current threat situation, the corresponding counter-terrorism strategies and the political debate. The study is part of the series "Jihadist Terrorism in Europe", in which we have already analysed the situation in Germany, Austria, Belgium and France.

Center for Data Innovation / flickr / CC BY 2.0

Neue Regierungskoalition – die Brücke zu den Wahlen im März 2023

Vorgezogene Regierungsumbildung in Estland

Am 14. Juli ist Kaja Kallas (Reformpartei, RE) von ihrem Amt der Ministerpräsidentin zurückgetreten. Am selben Tag hat Präsident Alar Karis ihr den Vorschlag gemacht, eine neue Koalition zu bilden. Am 15. Juli fand eine außerordentliche Sitzung statt, wo Kaja Kallas mit 52 Fürstimmen (26 dagegen) das Mandat zur Regierungsbildung bekommen hat. Die völlig neu zusammengesetzte Regierung besteht nunmehr bis zu den nächsten regulären Wahlen im März 2023. Das hat Folgen für den anstehenden Wahlkampf.


Deeskalation oder Sonderkommission?

Zum Umgang mit verfestigt autonomen Szenen in deutschen Großstädten

Deutsche Großstädte sind mit einer neuen Qualität linksextremer Gewalt konfrontiert: Sachbeschädigungen, Brandanschläge, Gewalt gegen Menschen. Zunehmend geraten unbeteiligte Personen, politisch „Andersdenkende“ oder nichtstaatliche Berufsgruppen wie Bauarbeiterinnen und Bauarbeiter, Rechtsanwältinnen und -anwälte, Journalistinnen und Journalisten oder Anwohnerinnen und Anwohner ins Visier. Hat sich die Szene verändert? Wie sollten Staat und Zivilgesellschaft auf die Gewalteskalation reagieren?

yellow too, Pasiek Horntrich GbR

Jihadism in France

The state of the Jihadist Terrorist threat in France

Since the 1990s, France has been one of the most targeted western countries by terrorists. In our study, Dr Cynthia Salloum analyses the current threat situation, the corresponding control strategies and the political debate.