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Riikide raportid

Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)

A New Approach to Donor Assistance

In January 2004, the U.S. Congress passed special legislation to establish a new approach to donor assistance in the form of a new program under a new, semi-governmental corporation, the Millennium Challenge Corporation. First, we should consider the principles, intent, and the methodologyof this new MCC approach. Second, we should consider its actual implementation and critiques, including the inevitable operational compromises, problems and resolutions, and concerns. To enhance thebrevity of this document, each item below is abbreviated.

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Konrad Adenaueri Fondil on esindus umbes 70 riigis viiel erineval kontinendil. Neis tegevad asukohariigi kaastöötajad võivad rääkida asukohariigi päevakajalistest sündmustest ja pikaajalistest arengutest. "Riikide raportite" all pakuvad nad Konrad Adenaueri Fondi kodulehe lugejatele asjakohaseid analüüse, taustainfot ja hinnanguid.