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The Democratic Party from Romania became an Associate Member of the European People’s Party

kohta Georgetta Voinea
On November 9, the European People’s Party (EPP) upgraded the Democratic Party (PD) from Romania status, from Observer Member to Associate Member. The strengthened relationship between EPP and PD represents an important political action both at the level of European representation of the Romanian political parties and at the level of the internal political scene from Romania.

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Konrad Adenaueri Fondil on esindus umbes 70 riigis viiel erineval kontinendil. Neis tegevad asukohariigi kaastöötajad võivad rääkida asukohariigi päevakajalistest sündmustest ja pikaajalistest arengutest. "Riikide raportite" all pakuvad nad Konrad Adenaueri Fondi kodulehe lugejatele asjakohaseid analüüse, taustainfot ja hinnanguid.