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Migration in North Africa


On 26 October 2021, KAS PolDiMed organized, in partnership with the University of Sousse and the Municipality of Sousse, a conference on migration in North Africa in Sousse.

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The conference aimed to present our conducted study entitled "Migration in North Africa: an uncomfortable position between Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe”. Professor Hassen Boubekri from Tunisia and Professor Mehdi Lahlou from Morocco, who co-authored the study, presented its main findings. The other two panels tackled the conditions for an organized and peaceful migration from North Africa to Europe and how to promote South-South migration.

The event brought together representatives of international and local organizations based in Tunisia, as well as representatives of municipalities and universities.


About the study

The study "Migration in North Africa: An Uncomfortable Position Between Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe?" outlines central domestic developments and discussions on the topic of migration in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. Renowned experts from the region shed light on the historical relevance, interconnectedness and future prospects of migration trends for the countries themselves and the region as a whole. It was co-authored by Mehdi Lahlou (Morocco chapter), Saïb Musette (Algeria Chapter), Hassen Boubakri (Tunisia chapter) et Marwa Mohamed (Libya chapter).

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Riadh Dziri


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