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행사 간행물

The Media and Its Role in Promoting Electoral Awareness

Part of the Project: Promoting Electoral Awareness Among Lebanese Citizens

As part of the project “Promoting Electoral Awareness Among Lebanese Citizens”, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Lebanon Office (KAS) and Advance Democracy for Sustainable Peace (AD 4 Peace) conducted a training session with media presenters on “The Media and Its Role in Promoting Electoral Awareness”.

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AD 4 Peace and KAS found it important and necessary to support and empower media presenters to lead and carry out advocacy campaigns on electoral culture in their communities through correct information, and develop their sense of responsibility to engage more voters in the coming elections. In addition, to enhance awareness and involvements within the media communities about the electoral culture and increase their knowledge as influencers in the coming election.

The training session that took place on 10.12.2021 in Lancaster Plaza was given by Mr. Assem Chaya. Mr. Chaya, through 2 sessions, focused on the basis of drafting the electoral law, the general principles for any elections, the electoral systems and the implications of their use, the current Lebanese electoral law 44/2017, the representative size of the political class in the 2018 elections, the common mistakes in electoral speech and the media and its role in promoting electoral awareness and enhancing participation.

The feedback was positive and the participants were very satisfied with the information they received. Many of the participants requested more similar trainings especially before the upcoming parliamentary elections.

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Dania Ismaiel

Dania Ismaiel


Dania.ismaiel@kas.de +961 (0)1 388 095/6


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