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"Water Security: Diplomacy, Global Cooperation, and Effective Management of Shared Rivers"

by Farwa Aamer

On the occasion of the first global UN Water Conference in almost 50 years and on World Water Day, we present the new KAS-Stimson report.

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Water Security Diplomacy Global Cooperation and Effective Management of Shared Rivers - Report Adobe Stock_diganta
Water Security Diplomacy Global Cooperation and Effective Management of Shared Rivers - Report

👉 Undeniably, water security is one of the most pressing challenges facing our planet today. It affects every facet of our lives, from health to the economy and even politics. Exacerbating Climate Change is shifting global water patterns and the demand and supply gap for freshwater resources, amidst national security concerns, is further stressing existing groundwater and transboundary river systems worldwide.


📍KASMDPD and Stimson are committed to providing rigorous analysis and evidence-based policy recommendations to support decision-making at national, regional, and global levels. We believe that this report is a valuable contribution to the international dialogue on water security and diplomacy, and we hope that it will serve as a useful resource for policy makers, water experts, and all stakeholders who are working to advance the cause of water.


🔗 Download: tinyurl.com/5avd9hrb

🔎 FlipBook version: tinyurl.com/maz5b7sf

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Karin Jancyková


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KAS MDPD in Brussels


KAS MDPD in Brussels


