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Contributii la manifestari

Consultations on International Experience and Practice of Federalism

On 08 July, KAS Philippines’ partner, the Institute for Autonomy and Governance (IAG), held a consultation meeting with representatives from key institutions to discuss the international experiences and practices of federalism.

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The event commenced with remarks from Mr. Jonathan Malaya, Undersecretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government, Atty. Benedicto Bacani, Executive Director of IAG, and Prof. Dr. Stefan Jost, Country Director of KAS Philippines. This was followed by a discussion on the international experience and practice of federalism delivered by Ms. Cheryl Saunders from the University of Melbourne Law School. A consultation with technical representatives from the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on Federalism followed. The consultation headed by Ms. Amanda Cats-Baril from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance delved on matters relating to distribution and sharing of powers of government, intergovernmental relations, design of federal constitution, fiscal and economic implications of federalism, and transition management. The meeting ended with a synthesis given by Prof. Alfred Sureta.

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persoane de contact

Prof. Dr. Stefan Jost

Prof. Dr

Leiter der Auslandsbüros Guatemala und Honduras

stefan.jost@kas.de +63 2 8539 38-41, -42, -43, -44 ,-45 +63 2 8893 6199


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