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Event Reports


Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security in Iraq

in Bezug auf Frauen, Frieden und Sicherheit im Irak

In the year 2000 the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1325 which aims to activate the role of women in conflict resolution and security operations. KAS Amman and the Women Empowerment Organization jointly organized a regional conference on 9th and 10th of April, 2012, in Erbil with various experts, activist, and academics that discussed the resolution, particularly in the context of Iraq. The aim was to develop a network of different organizations that foster the implementation of 1325.

The Potential Transition to Democracy in the Arab Region: Underlying Factors and Prospects

Regional conflicts, extreme economic disparity coupled with political and economic rents; and the lack of a consolidated intellectual movement appear to be the major hindrances to democratic reform in the Arab Spring. On May 04, 2012 the Institute of Financial Economics and KAS Amman organized a conference at the AUB in Beirut with various experts and academics to discuss the political developments. The event provided valuable insight to the likely outcomes in several countries in the region.

Commercial Arbitration

In cooperation with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization, KAS Amman organized a one-day conference on commercial arbitration. Drawing from the expertise and invaluable knowledge of the presenters, the objective of the conference was to promote comprehensive understanding in the use of arbitration for the Jordanian business community.

Strengthening the Principles of Good Governance through institutional capacity building for the charity organizations

and Ministry of Social Development Employees

In cooperation with the Ministry of Social Development and in partnership with the Visions Center for Strategic Studies, KAS Amman organized a one-day training workshop on Good Governance in Aqaba. The objective was twofold: Provide guidelines and general principles of governance to these organizations, and open dialogue between members of CSOs and the Ministry of Social Development.

One Year after the "Arab Spring"

European-Arab Youth Congress at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

What do young Europeans think about the Arab countries one year after the "Arab Spring" began? And what perceptions do young people from Arab countries have of Europe and Germany as potential role models? Young people from all over Europe and Arab countries met for two days at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin to discuss what can be learned from other people's point of views on the situation.

Die Rolle der Medien in der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung Jordaniens

Mit Blick auf die zunehmende Anzahl von Mediennutzern, insbesondere im Bereich Social Media, organisierte KAS Amman und die First Media Company einen Workshop mit dem Titel: „Die Rolle der Medien in der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung Jordaniens“. Die Veranstaltung verfolgte das Ziel, vor dem Hintergrund Jordaniens derzeitiger wirtschaftlicher und politischer Entwicklung, Empfehlungen herauszuarbeiten, wie die Medien stärker zum wirtschaftlichen Wachstum des Landes beitragen können.

"Integrating Human Rights Concepts into University Curricula According to a National Action Plan"

Due to the importance and the crucial role Human Rights education has in the process of achieving a universal culture of human rights, KAS Amman and the Jordanian Centre for Civic Education (JCCE) conducted a specialized regional workshop for a group of University Professors to raise awareness and train them on how to integrate human rights concepts into university curricula. The outcomes of the workshop were highly successful and the concepts achieved will be further promoted.

Strengthening the Principles of Good Governance:

Institutional Capacity Building for Charity Organizations and the Ministry of Social Development

KAS Amman, the Ministry of Social Development, and the Visions Center for Strategic and Development Studies, organised a training workshop on February 25, 2012 which sought to raise the technical competence and legal expertise of governing bodies. It focused also on the cooperation between the Ministry and non-governmental organisations within Jordan. The participants shared experiences and identified mutual challenges, in order to develop solutions for the benefit of the Jordanian society.

Women and Media

The workshop “Women and Media“, organized by KAS Amman and First Media Company took place in Amman on February 11th 2012. The main goal of this workshop was the identification and analysis of the severe difficulties of women in gaining leadership positions in the Jordanian media sector. The different sessions targeted the various reasons for this problem and aimed for solutions eventually leading to gender equality.

Book Launching: "Jordan’s New Draft Competition Law: Achievement Made, Improvement Required"

On January 25th, 2012, Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Amman organized an event in order to celebrate the launch of a new book published by the two organizations. The book has the title: “Jordan’s New Draft Competition Law: Achievement Made, Improvement Required.” and it is giving insights why competition laws are crucial to economic development and countering corruptive practices. In addition to Dr. Martin Beck and Mr. Mustafa Nasereddin, also Mr. Hussein Al-Hamadani, Director of Competition Directorate, spoke on the event.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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