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How Democracy Wins

KAS USA / IWDU Panel Discussion: The Role of Female Leadership in the Face of Rising Threats to Democratic Values

With global authoritarianism on the rise, the importance of reliable and consistent leadership is as essential as it has ever been. In national security and foreign policy, women have traditionally played a vital role in promoting democracy, human rights, and social justice.


New Models in Local News: How AI will change the Business of Local News

Workshop hosted by KAS USA and Medill School of Journalism

With breathtaking speed, generative AI is changing how journalists produce and people consume news. One of the major questions is this: How will AI affect the business models of local media around the globe?


Cybertrialogue – United States, Israel and Germany

KAS USA Seminar in October

Building on the June 2023 KAS Cybertrialogue in Berlin, which stressed the challenges and possibilities of democracies to protect critical infrastructure, we continue our event series in Washington, DC. Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against the Ukraine the awareness of cybersecurity needs has risen markedly and the focus on resilience has become sharper.

Live stream

Threat Perception and Deterrence after the Ukraine War

KAS USA / UVA Online Event

This online event launches a new report by the National Security Policy Center at the University of Virginia, published by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung USA. It sets out to create a new understanding of deterrence and risk in this era of tripolar Great Power Competition.


One Year Inflation Reduction Act

Initial Outcomes and Impacts for US-EU Trade and Investment - KAS USA / E3G Panel Discussion

This event launched a new report by E3G, published by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung USA. It sets out to gather initial evidence of any impacts that the Inflation Reduction Act may have for EU-U.S. trade and cleantech investment.

Study and Information Program

KAS-AJC Exchange Seminar 2023

A Visiting Program in New York, NY, Washington, DC, and Chicago, IL

12 participants from Germany visited New York, NY, Washington, DC, and Chicago, IL for an in depth exchange with U.S. stakeholders. The annual KAS-AJC Exchange Seminar connects political and civic leaders from the U.S. and Germany to shape the relations between Israel, Germany and the U.S., to learn about Jewish life in our countries and to discuss Jewish Advocacy efforts.


KAS USA / AGI Transatlantic Trade Week 2023

The Future of "Friendshoring" and Reconciling Trade and Climate Policies

The global trading system is becoming increasingly contested as domestic, climate, and national security priorities play a larger role in U.S. and EU policymaking. In the United States, the Biden administration – with an approach that has been called "friendshoring" – is looking to reorient supply chains toward like-minded partners. In the European Union, several new policy tools reflect a more geoeconomic approach to policy making.

Study and Information Program

Media Policy and Common Political Challenges from a Transatlantic Perspective

Dialogue Program with State Lawmakers from Hesse

From April 24th to the 28th, a delegation from Hesse traveled to Chicago, IL and Washington, DC for talks with media experts, regional officials, industry stakeholders and academic experts. The state parliamentarians exchanged views with American experts on media policy and possible solutions to polarization on both sides of the Atlantic.

Study and Information Program

World Health Summit Regional Meeting

Visiting Program in Washington, DC with the Members of Bundestag Hermann Gröhe and Dr. Georg Kippels

Hermann Gröhe, Vice Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group, former Federal Minister of Health and Vice Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung visited Washington, DC on the occasion of the World Health Summit Regional Meeting. He was accompanied by fellow Bundestag Member Dr. Georg Kippels, Member of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development, the Health Committee, and the Subcommittee on Global Health.

Study and Information Program

Dimensions of the Transatlantic Economy, Innovation in Higher Education and Multilateral Cooperation

Visiting program in Boston, New York and Washington, DC with Professor Dr. Jürgen Rüttgers

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rüttgers, former federal minister and former minister president of North Rhine-Westfalia, visited the United States from February 10th to the 17th. He met with experts from academic institutions and research organizations to take an in-depth look at US education and innovation. Rüttgers, a board member of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, held talks with business representatives, high-level political stakeholders and think tank experts about the transatlantic relationship in the light of the war in Ukraine and the state of the economy. Representatives of the United Nations, IOE and ILO discussed with Dr. Rüttgers current challenges and future opportunities to drive the dialogue on both sides of the Atlantic for multilateral cooperation.

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Medienlandschaft in den USA und Deutschland: transatlantische Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede

Dialogprogramm der KAS für Journalistenschüler in Washington

Amerikanische Berichterstattung und Politik – was ist der große Unterschied zwischen Deutschland und den USA? In Zusammenarbeit mit der RTL-Journalistenschule hat die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung vom 29. März bis zum 1. April, 2016 ein Programm für deutsche Nachwuchsjournalisten in Washington organisiert. Besuche bei Think Tanks, Regierungsvertretern und Gespräche mit Reportern gaben den Jungjournalisten die Gelegenheit Antworten zu aktuellen Themen aus amerikanischer Perspektive zu sammeln. Der US-Wahlkampf und die Flüchtlingskrise in Europa standen dabei im Vordergrund.

Herausforderung Migration - Antworten aus der Bundespolitik

Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär Dr. Günter Krings MdB skizziert die Herausforderungen

Politik und Bevölkerung in den USA nehmen großen Anteil an den Herausforderungen, die in der Europäischen Union mit Blick auf die Flüchtlingskrise und Migrationsbewegungen in den letzten Monaten entstanden sind. Die USA sehen die EU-Staaten als wichtigsten Bündnispartner für die Ordnung in der Welt, so dass sie schon aus diesem Grund den Prozess intensiv begleiten. Das Interesse an Antworten aus der deutschen Bundespolitik ist in Washington besonders hoch.

Forging Bridges through dialogue on the Transatlantic Digital Disconnect

Signs of finding a common ground with the new agreement “Privacy Shield” and passing of the Judicial Redress Act

Transatlantic relations are strong, albeit with some 21st Century challenges. Both the European Union and the United States are striving to create digital economies. It’s still unclear if these digital markets can fully integrated. There are a number of “tangled issues”, like the protection of privacy rights, freedom of speech and national security that pose a challenge in finding the right balance when trying to construct a policy framework. A lot is at stake.

Setting the Agenda for 2016

A Discussion with KAS Expert Hans-Hartwig Blomeier

Looking to begin the New Year with fruitful transatlantic debate and discourse the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hosted a reception at which KAS London Director Hans-Hartwig Blomeier led the discussion over a potential “Brexit” and many of its consequences. Sixty experts from think-tanks, government, and the private sector joined Mr. Blomeier in engaging the pertinent questions of EU reform, geopolitical implications of a “Brexit,” and more.

Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - Störfaktor für demokratische Werte?

Deutsche IT-Experten besuchen Silicon Valley auf Einladung der KAS

„Die Welt zu verbessern“ ist in der US-Start-Up Szene ein allgegenwärtiges Leitmotiv. Es werden junge Menschen gesucht, die die Fähigkeit und Motivation haben ihre Visionen in innovative Unternehmenskonzepte umzuwandeln. Ein wichtiges Unterscheidungsmerkmal für den Erfolg in dieser Gründerwelt wurde von Josh Tetrick auf der Start-Up Messe „Founder World“ überzeugend zusammengefasst: „It is a shame if good people don't start something to do good“, der Wille die Welt positiv zu verändern ist für ihn ein Hauptmerkmal eines erfolgreichen Gründerkonzepts. Diese Haltung wird von Vielen geteilt.

Eine Freundschaft auf dem Prüfstand

Sieben Tage für einen Perspektivwechsel: Nachwuchsjournalisten diskutieren transatlantische Herausforderungen in den USA

In einem einwöchigen Seminar haben sich 20 Stipendiaten der Journalistischen Nachwuchsförderung (JONA) dem Thema transatlantischen Beziehungen angenähert. Die JONA gehört zur Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und bildet seit 1979 Studierende aller Fachrichtungen zu Journalisten aus. Die Seminarreihe unter dem Titel “Transatlantic Understanding: A critical review of our partnership“ fand vom 26. Oktober bis 1. November 2015 in Washington und Boston statt.

Call for worldwide freedom of religion or belief as a human right

New York Conference with members of parliament: lack of religious freedom linked to refugee crisis

Freedom of religion or belief has come under increasing threat in many parts of the world. The German CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader Volker Kauder, with the direct action of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) under Chairman Hans-Gert Pöettering, in partnership with the International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief (IPPFoRB), took concrete steps to ensure global religious freedom at the second ever IPPFoRB Conference.

Trouble around TTIP and who will be the next President?

U.S. experts and aspiring German journalists are discussing the trade agreement and the presidential campaign

Trade expert Dr. Charles Ludolph answered tough questions of a group of young journalists about the controversial transatlantic trade agreement TTIP from a U.S. perspective. Followed by political consultant Soren Dayton and Washington reporter Emily Schultheis, who talked about the upcoming presidential election and introduced the candidates.

Vorbereitet sein auf das Unvorhergesehene

Dr. Theo Waigel und Dr. Robert Zoellick diskutieren in Washington die Ereignisse der Wiedervereinigung vor 25 Jahren

In zwei eindrucksvollen Vorträgen skizzierten nun in Washington mit Dr. Theo Waigel und Dr. Robert Zoellick zwei der wichtigsten Akteure die Ereignisse der Jahre 1989 und 1990, die dann zur Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands führten.

Die Glaubwûrdigkeit der Beziehung zwischen Wahrheit und Fiktion

Am 1. Oktober 2015 sprach Professor Michael Braun auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und des Goethe Instituts Washington in seinem Vortrag „Memory Contests: How to Tell Good Stories of 'Bad History' in German Film“ ûber eine besondere Form deutscher Vergangenheitsbewältigung im Spielfilm: das Erzählen fiktiver Geschichten im Rahmen historischer Gegebenheiten.