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Policy Workshop – Young Voices: European Engagement and the EU's image

Authors: Constantin Knuhr, Theresa Rohrhirsch (KAS MDPD Brussels)

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Event Report_Young Voices

The EU together with its Member States is the top investor and development assistant provider in the world. Yet, in public perception, there seems to be a discrepancy between the EU´s financial contribution and its visibility. This again might lead to the impression that the EU's role in important partner countries is diminishing. The EU wishes to counter this narrative, especially among young people. In this regard, on July 15th 2022, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Multinational Policy Development Dialogue (MDPD) hosted an online, closed-door policy workshop on the topic of “Young Voices: European Engagement and the EU's image”, which was based on a video series dedicated to the same topic. This event brought together young people from different continents working in EU funded projects and programmes and EU policy makers to discuss and collect concrete policy recommendations, so-called “game changers”.


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For further information, please contact Janne Leino at:




Janne Leino

Janne Leino (2021)

Programm-Manager Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik / Multilateralismus +32 2 66931-80 +32 2 66931-62

