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Constitutional Symposium - Meeting of the Levant Constitutional Courts

Symposium/Workshop in Beirut, Lebanon

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Rule of Law Programme Middle East and North Africa, in collaboration with the Lebanese Constitutional Council, is honored to present the Constitutional Symposium - Meeting of the Levant Constitutional Courts.


The Rule of Law FORUM 2024

Two-Day Conference at HBKU in Doha, Qatar

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Rule of Law Programme Middle East and North Africa, in partnership with the Youssef SADER Foundation for Legal Culture and the UNESCO Chair on Environmental Law and Sustainable Development at Hamad Bin Khalifa-University, is pleased to announce the upcoming Rule of Law FORUM – 2nd Edition.

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The Judiciary and the Military Court in Lebanon

An online Workshop

This event aims to highlight the history of the judiciary and the military court in Lebanon, their respective evolution and challenges.


Good Governance in Political Parties, Current and Required Legislation

A panel discussion

This event aims to highlight the importance of having a political parties’ law. Taking into consideration the paramount role of political parties in democratic systems.


The Balance between the Misuse of Legal Complaints and their Necessity for a Fair Trial

Two panels: a regional comparison and a case study of Lebanon


She in Rule of Law and Sustainability

One-day conference in cooperation with SEEDS for Legal Initiatives

Expert talk

Beyond the Brussels effect? Data protection laws in North Africa

Presentation of the study "Data Protection Laws in Northern Africa" and expert panel discussion at the Headquarters of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Berlin

The event will be recorded and streamed live online


Workshop: "Best practices in the profession of a Lawyer in the region"

Two-day workshop of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the German Federal Bar Association in Beirut, Lebanon.

Expert conference

Arab Women in the judiciary Achievements and Challenges

A regional conference on the occasion of the second International Day of Women Judges

The conference will take place at the Qatar University campus on the 8th of March. This regional conference will host female judges from 5 different Arab countries, namely: Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Tunisia and Qatar.

Expert conference

The 4th Scientific Conference Conference on “Law on Biodiversity, Nature Conservation, and the Protection of Cultural Heritage in the Middle East and North African (MENA) Region".

Organizers, Partners and Sponsors of the conference are a.o. UNDP, SADER, KAS Rule of Law Programme MENA, ASSELLMU, Jordanian Society for Climate & Sustainable development and the Al-Khataibeh Center


Lawyers of Tomorrow

A one-day event targeting lawyers and young jurists

This event aims to highlight the main legal challenges in a fast-paced digital world from a rule of law perspective, to identify possible legal and ethical obstructions that go along with digitalization. In addition, it tackles the limits of traditional means of legal research and the importance of an online presence for a legal practitioner.


The Rule of Law FORUM 2022

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Rule of Law Programme Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in partnership with the Youssef SADER Foundation for Legal Culture

The Rule of Law FORUM aims to cover current and relevant regional legal topics. Its overall goal is to highlight and discuss current dynamics and happenings within the scope of the rule of law in the Middle East and North Africa region. The FORUM is meant to further promote the concept of the rule of law in the region all the while offering possible solutions and recommendations to tackle contemporary problems.

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The Controversy of Civil Marriage in Lebanon

In partnership with the Lebanese University, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Lebanon has organized a public conference and a discussion session with the students of the Lebanese University on the topic of civil marriage in Lebanon.

At the source of the refugee flows

Lage.Bericht//Middle East

The first episode of our new report series “Lage.Bericht“ shows how precarious the situation for the local people is, but that there is still reason for hope.

"Humanitäre Katastrophe im Libanon und im Nahen Osten: Lösung liegt in Syrien"

Auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung sprach Fuad Siniora, ehemaliger Premierminister des Libanon und derzeit stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Partei Future Movement, in der KAS-Akademie zur politischen Lage im Libanon und den aktuellen Herausforderungen, mit denen sich der das Hauptaufnahmeland von Flüchtlingen im Schatten des Syrienkriegs konfrontiert sieht.

International Mechanisms and Complaint Procedures for Protecting Human Rights

From 9 to 11 September 2015, around 40 Lebanese lawyers reflected on the effectivity of international human rights conventions in Lebanon and the means through which they be defended by judges, lawyers and civil society.

Deutschlandseminar für Nachwuchskräfte aus den Ländern der arabischen Welt

Auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung war in der letzten Woche eine Delegation von Nachwuchskräfte aus den Ländern der arabischen Welt (Libanon, Jordanien, Palästina, Autonome Region Kurdistan, Bahrain, Tunesien, Oman und Ägypten) zu Gast in Berlin, Dresden, Karlsruhe und Straßburg. Das Deutschlandseminar wurde vom Team Inlandsprogramme organisiert und wurde von Herrn Peter Rimmele, Leiter des Auslandsbüros Libanon und des Rechtsstaatsprogramms Naher Osten/Nordafrika der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, begleitet.

Upholding Gendered Peace at a Time of War

Academics and Activists Speak Out on the Shifting Places of Women in the Arab World

The international conference “Upholding Gendered Peace at a Time of War” brought together international researchers, academics and activists to discuss about the shifting places of women in the Arab World.

Lebanese Constitutional Law

An Introduction: Case Studies from Lebanon and Germany

In cooperation with the Notre Dame University - Louaize (NDU), the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation organized a seminar on "Lebanese Constitutional Law - Case Studies from Lebanon and Germany".

Radical Militant Groups and the Rule of Law in the Middle East

The conference brought together experts from the Middle East and Europe to discuss the state of the Rule of Law in the Middle East and how it has been affected by the emergence and recent growth of radical militant groups in the region.

Constitution et contre-pouvoirs

counterpowers of civil society in political systems

In cooperation with the University of Carthage, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung holds a conference titled "Constitution et contre-pouvoirs".

Constitution et contre-pouvoirs

konstitutionelle, politische und zivilgesellschaftliche „Gegenkräfte“ in politischen Systemen

In Kooperation mit der Université de Carthage veranstaltet die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, am 19. und 20. Februar 2015, eine internationale Fachkonferenz zum Thema "Constitution et contre-pouvoirs" in Tunis