Asset Publisher

Publications on the topic of “Freedom needs Security”

Asset Publisher

The global COVID-19 crisis: What are the implications for the liberal world order and multilateralism?

International report

What are the consequences of the global COVID-19 crisis for the liberal world order and multilateralism?" Policy Paper - International report offering insight and analysis of the region.

Partner Atlas of Germany's Foreign Policy

Ukraine as a Partner for Germany to Strengthen the Value and Rules-Based International Order

How important is Ukraine for Germany when it comes to forwarding its interest in strengthening a rules and value-based world order?


Germany’s geopolitical role in an age of great power rivalries, Part 3

Part III: Security and defence policy

Germany and the EU are finding themselves in a world of great power rivalries and systemic competition, which have an impact on almost all aspects of international relations including multilateral cooperation, world trade, technology policy and security policy. What political strategy should Germany follow? The Working Group of Young Foreign Policy Experts addresses this question with policy recommendations for Germany's security and defence policy.

© picture alliance/Photoshot/Amru Salahuddien

Corona haucht Gewaltakteuren weltweit neues Leben ein

Gewaltakteure profilieren sich während der Corona-Krise

Covid-19 hat sich in Entwicklungsländern rasant ausgebreitet. Und die Auswirkungen werden dramatisch sein. Die Covid-19 Krise bietet vor allem für Gewaltakteure ein erhebliches Rekrutierungspotential - und das aus mehreren Gründen. Besonders dort wo der Staat versagt, leisten Gewaltakteure materielle und immaterielle Unterstützung und steigern so ihren Einfluss auf die Bevölkerung.


Germany’s geopolitical role in an age of great power rivalries, Part 2

Part II: Economic and technology policy

German economic policy is facing many challenges – the Covid-19 pandemic is only the latest in a long line. These began with the economic stagnation of large swathes of Europe, moving on to the trade war between the US and China and Europe, and the challenges of electromobility faced by German car manufacturers. Germany and the EU have to come up with some creative answers. The Working Group of Young Foreign Policy Experts addresses these issues and provides policy recommendations in this paper.


Does the Internet Deliver?

Eight Values as a Yardstick for the Production, Moderation and Regulation of Public Communication on the Internet

The internet has raised many expectations, but has it fulfilled its role as a tool to promote freedom of speech and weaken the efforts of autocrats and others who favor censorship? Has it provided equal access to information and the free exchange of opinions? Some would argue that the internet has brought about surveillance, polarization, filter bubbles, and the digital divide. But is further network regulation necessary? Diverse opinions exist in response to these questions, but what are the facts? What scientific findings can be presented today? Together with Christoph Neuberger, we've defined eight values as criteria to help answer one deceptively simple question: Does the internet deliver? Following this introduction, you'll find a collection of eight short texts, each of which seeks to answer this question using one of the values we've identified. Readers should feel free to either read in chronological order or skip around to those they find to be of interest.

Systemic Challenge: Geopolitics in Times of Corona

Dr. Johann Wadephul MdB on the foreign policy consequences of the corona pandemic for Europe

The corona pandemic acts both as a catalyst and incubator of geopolitical change. Dr. Johann Wadephul MdB outlines the first trends and the foreign policy consequences for Europe.

Germany’s geopolitical role in an age of great power rivalries, Part 1

Part I: Strategic foreign policy

Germany and the EU increasingly find themselves in a world of great power rivalries and systemic competition. This is affecting almost every aspect of international relations – hampering multilateral cooperation, impacting world trade and technology policy, and having an effect on conflict situations linked to security and defence policy. What strategy should Germany follow here? The Working Group of Young Foreign Policy Experts addresses these challenges and provides policy recommendations in this paper.

Call for Papers

Kommunikation, Resilienz und Sicherheit

In Kooperation mit der Professur für Kommunikationsmanagement der Universität der Bundeswehr München entwickelt die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung das Thema strategische Kommunikation als thematischen Schwerpunkt. Im Rahmen dessen laden wir Sie zur Teilnahme an diesem Call for Papers zum Thema „Kommunikation, Resilienz und Sicherheit“ ein. Die Beiträge werden in einem Sammelband erscheinen. Themen der Inneren Sicherheit sind ebenso gefragt wie jene der strategischen Kommunikation im militärischen Bereich, im Cyberraum und die Bedeutung von Kommunikation für gesellschaftliche Prozesse sowie für Bündnissysteme und die Beziehung zu strategischen Partnern.

Ateliers sur la « Sécurité et le développement » dans les pays du G5 Sahel.

WORKSHOP : « Sécurité et développement : Fragilité et résilience de la société face aux actions des groupes armés » Niamey, 12 et 13 février 2020

Compte tenu de la situation d’insécurité que traverse le Sahel, la Konrad Adenauer Stiftung a initié une série d’ateliers dans les pays du Sahel sur comment les sociétés font face aux actions des groupes armés.