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Single title

Analysis of the determinants in Latin America


The purpose of the study is to analyze the determinants of the relationship between climate change management policies and public health in Latin America, to promote integrated regional actions and to analyze proposals that contribute to the creation of transformations that lead to a resilient economy based on sustainable development.

Asset Publisher

Among the many aspects that COVID-19 has brought to our reality, the main one recognizes the intrinsic link between health and environmental issues. Under the "One Health" approach, this study shows an analysis of the relationship between determinants that are associated as common causes and effects of environmental and public health problems; and how these are understood or can be understood jointly for their management in Latin American countries.

The study presents the key concepts for environmental and health public management. It describes some of the main determinants that environmental and public health problems in the region have in common. Subsequently, a taxonomic case study is carried out where environmental indicators are correlated with the scenarios derived from the COVID-19 pandemic in the region's countries.

A summary of two talks related to the analysis of the relationship between the environment and public health is shown, which combines experts' experience and position on the issues and representatives of leading institutions in the region.

* Publication available in Spanish and English.

Asset Publisher


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