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Roundtable Discussion: Law and Identity

The Role of Law in Constituting a Contemporary South African Identity

On 11th July 2018, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in cooperation with the Centre for Unity in Diversity (CUD) hosted a roundtable discussion on the topic “Law and Identity: The Role of Law in Constituting a Contemporary South African Identity”. Please find below an event report.

Property Rights for All South Africans


On the 4th of July 2018, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the FW de Klerk Foundation, hosted a conference on the topic of property rights and the role that land reform can play in expanding these rights. The public event, which took place at the Sunnyside Park Hotel in Johannesburg, was attended by 85 participants consisting of experts on land reform including legal practitioners, representatives from the private sector, and the academia, as well as civil society organizations, religious groups and ordinary South African citizens.

Landreform als Zerreißprobe

Stolperfalle oder Chance für überfällige Transformation?

Südafrika bewegt derzeit eine kontroverse Debatte um ein emotionales Thema mit sozialem Konfliktpotential: Entschädigungslose Landenteignung. Während die Gegner der geplanten Verfassungsänderung ein „Zweites Simbabwe“ fürchten, wo Landenteignungen unter anderem zu Nahrungsunsicherheit führten, sehen die Befürworter einen Weg, um die durch die Apartheidära und Kolonialzeit verursachte Ungleichheit zu korrigieren. Anstatt zu versachlichen, heizen politische Wortführer die Debatte willentlich auf und schielen dabei auf Umfragewerte und die Wahlen im Jahr 2019 – ein Spiel mit dem Feuer.

#Icount: Preparing for Elections 2019

In 2019, South Africans will be voting in the sixth democratic General Elections. The elections will take place in the midst of general dissatisfaction amongst the majority of voters. Political parties will have to work very hard to win the support of the first time voters the majority of whom are apathetic.

Südafrika auf dem Prüfstand

Wohin steuern die Parteien der Regenbogennation?

Im Zuge der „Dritten Welle der Demokratisierung“ befinden sich die Staaten des Südlichen Afrika in einer Phase des Übergangs von kolonialem Autoritarismus zur Demokratie. Mindestvoraussetzungen demokratischer Regierungsweise sind auch hier: die Kontrolle von Regierungsentscheidungen durch die Wähler und die von diesen bestimmten Abgeordneten, freie und gleiche Wahlen, das allgemeine Wahlrecht, Freiheit der Kandidatur für ein öffentliches Amt, der Zugang zu alternativen Informationsquellen und – nicht zuletzt – die Vereinigungsfreiheit.

Induction Training Workshop for Civic Educators from Partner Organisations in Zomba-Malawi

Induction and review training workshop for translated civic awareness materials

The induction training workshop for civic educators from partner organisations (NASFAM and WoLREC) was conducted between 4th and 5th April 2018 at Hotel Masongola in Zomba. The workshop was aimed at getting civic educators, field officers, paralegals and community facilitators introduced to the newly translated draft Chichewa versions of the Civic Awareness Materials for Community Facilitators, the Orientation Material for Customary Land Committees and the draft comic fliers of both materials and seek their editorial review inputs towards finalising the drafts.

Regional Conference on Strengthening Land Tenure and Land Ownership Rights for Women in Malawi, Zimbabwe and Namibia

The EWoH2 sub-regional conference held in Lilongwe-Malawi on 26 and 27 February 2018 was organised with the aim of facilitating the exchange of knowledge, lessons and good practices among EWoH2 collaborating country partners of KAS, on one hand, and experts in land governance from Malawi, Namibia and Zimbabwe, on the other. It was also in part an evaluative conference to review progress, setbacks and prospects of realizing the project objectives after two years of implementing the One World – No Hunger Project in the three countries.

DDP Citizens' Forum on Land Distribution

One June 1, the Democracy Development Program (DDP) in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation South Africa hosted a citizens' forum at Diakonia to unpack the issue of land ownership and redistribution in the country. A report by DDP's Sthabiso Mdledle.

Dialogue on Faith and Economics

Market economy, social justice and faith

During Cardinal Marx's visit to Southern Africa, the Office of the Anglican Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, together with the Ecumenical Forum South Africa (EFSA) and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, organised a seminar on market economy, social justice and the mediating role that the Church must play between business, politics and people.

Induction Training Workshop for Promoters and Community Facilitators in Mzimba

On 9 and 10 April 2018, the induction training workshop for promoters and community facilitators took place in the Mame Motel in Mzimba with 24 participants. The aim of the workshop was to present the translated drafts of the Tumbuka versions of the Civic Awareness Materials for Community Facilitators and the Orientation Materials for Customary Land Committees to the promoters and community facilitators and to collect their contributions to the completion of the drafts.