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Po wydarzeniach KAS

Lebanon. A New Mission, a New Development Model

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in collaboration with the Lebanese Citizen Foundation conducted the project "Lebanon. A New Mission, a New Development Model"

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Lebanon is in an existential crisis. This is reflected in the collapse of its economy, major social and demographic upheavals and a questioning of the power system in place since the end of the war. This power system is based in particular on a politico-financial oligarchy with communitarian, confessional and militia components. It has monopolized the institutions of the state to the point where Lebanon now ranks, a hundred years after its creation, in the unenviable category of failed states, with all the risks entailed.

Rebuilding the state is therefore a priority. Unstructured popular movements and citizens in search of renewal are looking for ways to embark on this path. This also implies mobilizing the tools of non-partisan thinking and public action.

Accordingly, the Lebanese Citizen Foundation , in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Lebanon organized a hybrid webinar and a panel of international and local experts in Finance and Economics.

The discussion intended to engage the Lebanese civil society in a reflection process on various issues such as decentralization, restructuring of the banking sector, or the need for a fair taxation policy. Interaction was made possible between participants and the audience, allowing for a constructive, balanced exchange of ideas on the needs and possibilities raised by the Lebanese crisis. Interventions were organized along the following framework:

-What public policies for a new development model?

-A country in search for a mission: Put Lebanon back on the Map

-What could be the economic program for a transition government?

-A new model for civic engagement in Lebanon

Watch the event on Facebook:


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Hamad Elias

PM Hamad Elias

Project Manager

Hamad.Elias@kas.de 00961 (0)1 388 095/6


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dostarczone przez

Foundation Office Lebanon

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Fundacja Konrada Adenauera, jej ośrodki i centra kształcenia oraz biura zagraniczne oferują corocznie kilka tysięcy wydarzeń związanych z różną tematyką. O wybranych konferencjach, wydarzeniach, sympozjach itd. donosimy na bieżąco specjalnie dla Państwa na stronie www.kas.de. Tutaj znajdą Państwo poza streszczeniem także materiały dodatkowe takie jak zdjęcia, manuskrypty przemówień, filmy wideo lub nagrania audio.

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