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Evaluation of the Law on Public Debt Management of Vietnam and some Policy Implications

In Vietnam, the scale of public debt tends to increase dramatically and has approached the limit set by the National Assembly. This fact indicates the need to enhance the effectiveness of public debt management. Meanwhile, the Law on Public Debt Management in 2009, after eight years of implementation, has revealed some shortcomings that need to be amended and supplemented. In such context, the draft revision of the Law on Public Debt Management has been developed and is expected to be passed at the fourth session of the 14th National Assembly in October - November this year.

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Fundaţia Konrad-Adenauer este reprezentată în circa 70 de ţări pe cinci continente, prin birouri proprii. Angajaţii din străinătate, pot transmite rapoarte de la faţa locului cu privire la evenimentele actuale şi evoluţiile pe termen lung în ţările în care activează. În "Rapoarte de țară", aceştia oferă utilizatorilor paginii web a fundaţiei Konrad-Adenauer analize, informaţii de fond şi estimări.

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Vietnam Vietnam