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KAS Japan Weekly COVID-19 Updates

arasında Naoki Takiguchi

7 July

Last Sunday (July 5) the sitting Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike won the election by a large margin, however she’ll have bumpy roads ahead. Key messages include: 1. Covid-19 is again on rise notably in Tokyo. Big portions are those who work in the night life districts. A quick and effective measure is urgent. 2. Cost sharing issue on Tokyo Olympic Games postponement will be a headache. In any case, Tokyo will see a major decline in tax revenues and will probably be forced to issue bonds. 3. PM Abe may be lured to go for a snap election. Watch the video to learn more!

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Ilgili kişi

Naoki Takiguchi

Naoki Takiguchi

Manager des Länderprogramms Japan

naoki.takiguchi@kas.de +81 3 6426 5061


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bu seri hakkında

Konrad Adenauer Vakfı, eğitim merkezleri ve yurtdışı ofisleri, her yıl çok çeşitli konularda binlerce etkinlik sunar. www.kas.de adresinde sizlere bir dizi konferans, etkinlik, sempozyum v.b. hakkında güncel ve özel bilgiler sunmaktayız. Burada içerik özetlerinin yanısıra resim, konuşma taslakları, videolar veya ses kayıtları türünden ek malzemeler de bulabilirsiniz.