

Young Voices: European Engagement and the EU's Image

Policy Workshop

15. July 2022 - (CEST) - KAS MDPD is hosting a closed-door policy workshop with youth representatives and EU decision makers on the future of EU's youth engagement. Take a look at the program and apply to participate!



Policy Workshop - “Young Voices European engagement and the EU's image” - Friday 15th July 2022 Canva Pro Stock
Policy Workshop - “Young Voices European engagement and the EU's image” - Friday 15th July 2022

📌 The EU together with its Member States is the top investor and development assistant provider in the world. Yet, in public perception, there seems to be a discrepancy between the EU's financial contribution and its visibility. This again might lead to the impression that the EU's role in important partner countries is diminishing. The EU wishes to counter this narrative, especially among young people. As a part of this effort, the EU is preparing a Youth Action Plan in EU external action, which will be published by the end of the year 2022.


📣 Together with worldwide KAS offices and their partners, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Multinational Development Policy Dialogue (KAS MDPD) asked youth members who are engaged in EU funded programs or projects in Africa, Asia or Latin America about their perceptions of the European Union and its engagement in their countries. In short videos, young people portrayed their perceptions, expectations and wishes on the EU’s role in their country – answering two difficult questions: “Has the EU´s engagement triggered change in your country” and “what could the EU do differently in the future”.

📲 Watch the full playlist:


📌 The produced short videos focus on the thematic areas Participation + Democracy, Freedom + Security as well as Climate + Energy. Based on the video series, the insights shall now be discussed in a closed-door event covering the aforementioned thematic areas with selected Young Voices and European decision makers, in which both sides can exchange ideas on how to develop EU policies in selected regions. The outcomes of this discussion shall be synthesized into a policy report and disseminated afterwards. 




Are you under 35 years? Have you engaged with the EU on topics like peace and security, climate change or on democracy in Africa, Asia, Latin-America or in the MENA region? Do you want to contribute to EU policy making? We want to hear your suggestions!


📲 Register here (we will limit the participation to max. 30 persons):

🔎 Download the full program:

📲 Check out our advocacy campaign:




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Janne Leino

Janne Leino (2021)

Programm-Manager Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik / Multilateralismus +32 2 66931-80 +32 2 66931-62